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Total BMW Magazine April 15 Edizione posteriore

70 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
In the April issue of BMW Car:

On the Cover: E92 M3 Ultimate Guide – everything you need to know about buying this M Car icon.

Driven this month: X4 xDrive20i, M235i and 220d Convertibles, E38 750i, Alpina RLE.

Plus: AHG M1 profiled, Geneva Show report, BMW winter driving experience, 1 Series Endurance racers, E92 M3 brake test, 10 minute Guide – F10 535d Saloon.
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Total BMW

April 15 In the April issue of BMW Car: On the Cover: E92 M3 Ultimate Guide – everything you need to know about buying this M Car icon. Driven this month: X4 xDrive20i, M235i and 220d Convertibles, E38 750i, Alpina RLE. Plus: AHG M1 profiled, Geneva Show report, BMW winter driving experience, 1 Series Endurance racers, E92 M3 brake test, 10 minute Guide – F10 535d Saloon.

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The pages of Total BMW Magazine cover the entire spectrum of BMW ownership from coverage of the latest new releases to all-time classics, Total BMW is the magazine for the BMW lovers, owners and enthusiasts.

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Total BMW is the world’s leading monthly BMW magazine, covering everything from the latest developments to the history of the illustrious mooring company.

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