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Triumph World Magazine No.147 Cheap Thrills Edizione posteriore

16 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
If there is one lesson to be learnt from Rod
Ker’s Market News reports each month, it is
that very few people ever make a profit after
properly restoring a Triumph – and that is
even more true if they have paid somebody
else to restore it for them!
So why do we bother? For some it is because
buying cheaply and then spending out in small
doses is more viable than stumping up a great wad
of cash in one go, even if that would be cheaper in
the long run. Others may simply underestimate how
the costs are going to spiral, but often we do it
because the satisfaction that comes from the
restoration process is what makes it all worthwhile.
Take Steve Flowers’ beautiful green Stag (p30) as
an example. This may have cost him only £200 to
buy originally, but it has since taken the best part of
£10,000 and some very canny buying to get it into
its current condition. Yet Steve now has a superb car
that is tailored exactly to his tastes, so I’d say that
has been money well spent.
However, the budget Spitfire I borrowed this
month (p24) does show a less expensive and much
faster route into Triumph ownership – buy a car that
just needs TLC and you can enjoy it right away,
improving it as time and finances allow. Ultimately
you’ll probably still end up spending more than it is
worth, but our cars aren’t just about profit and loss.
They are about fun and joy, so why not go and
enjoy yours in whatever way suits you best?
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Triumph World

No.147 Cheap Thrills If there is one lesson to be learnt from Rod Ker’s Market News reports each month, it is that very few people ever make a profit after properly restoring a Triumph – and that is even more true if they have paid somebody else to restore it for them! So why do we bother? For some it is because buying cheaply and then spending out in small doses is more viable than stumping up a great wad of cash in one go, even if that would be cheaper in the long run. Others may simply underestimate how the costs are going to spiral, but often we do it because the satisfaction that comes from the restoration process is what makes it all worthwhile. Take Steve Flowers’ beautiful green Stag (p30) as an example. This may have cost him only £200 to buy originally, but it has since taken the best part of £10,000 and some very canny buying to get it into its current condition. Yet Steve now has a superb car that is tailored exactly to his tastes, so I’d say that has been money well spent. However, the budget Spitfire I borrowed this month (p24) does show a less expensive and much faster route into Triumph ownership – buy a car that just needs TLC and you can enjoy it right away, improving it as time and finances allow. Ultimately you’ll probably still end up spending more than it is worth, but our cars aren’t just about profit and loss. They are about fun and joy, so why not go and enjoy yours in whatever way suits you best?

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Issue Cover

Triumph World  |  No.147 Cheap Thrills  

If there is one lesson to be learnt from Rod
Ker’s Market News reports each month, it is
that very few people ever make a profit after
properly restoring a Triumph – and that is
even more true if they have paid somebody
else to restore it for them!
So why do we bother? For some it is because
buying cheaply and then spending out in small
doses is more viable than stumping up a great wad
of cash in one go, even if that would be cheaper in
the long run. Others may simply underestimate how
the costs are going to spiral, but often we do it
because the satisfaction that comes from the
restoration process is what makes it all worthwhile.
Take Steve Flowers’ beautiful green Stag (p30) as
an example. This may have cost him only £200 to
buy originally, but it has since taken the best part of
£10,000 and some very canny buying to get it into
its current condition. Yet Steve now has a superb car
that is tailored exactly to his tastes, so I’d say that
has been money well spent.
However, the budget Spitfire I borrowed this
month (p24) does show a less expensive and much
faster route into Triumph ownership – buy a car that
just needs TLC and you can enjoy it right away,
improving it as time and finances allow. Ultimately
you’ll probably still end up spending more than it is
worth, but our cars aren’t just about profit and loss.
They are about fun and joy, so why not go and
enjoy yours in whatever way suits you best?
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Triumph World is the leading magazine dedicated to all standard triumph cars. Read about some of the greatest triumphs on the road, from the TR sports through to the Stag, Spitfire and Saloons, includes practical features, and also buying and maintenance advice.

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Basato su 16 Recensioni dei clienti
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Triumph World

Member of New Jersey (USA) Triumph Association. Your mag is nostalgic and useful. Thanjs Recensito 10 aprile 2020

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