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TV Times Magazine

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40 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Film)
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Keeping you up to date with all the latest gossip from the wonderful world of television, TV Times is sure to satisfy all of your televisual needs. Covering everything from quintessential British soaps to gripping drama, raunchy reality TV to eye-opening documentaries, and quirky comedies to films of all genres - TV Times has everything you could possibly need to enhance your viewing experience.

Released every week, TV Times is packed with the hottest and most current TV coverage and features interviews with the stars of the shows you love the most. With easy-to-follow listings, behind-the-scenes access to your favourite series and soaps, and a detailed look at the week's most exciting storylines, a TV Times digital magazine subscription puts you in complete control of your viewing schedule.

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TV Times

27 Jul 2024 TV Times and Helen Worth mark 50 years of Corrie's Gail. Plus, join Susan Calman on a grand day out.

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Issue Cover

TV Times  |  27 Jul 2024  

TV Times and Helen Worth mark 50 years of Corrie's Gail. Plus, join Susan Calman on a grand day out.
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TV Times is the perfect weekly read to keep your finger firmly on the pulse of the latest television news. Bursting with gossip, interviews, and comprehensive coverage of the week's terrestrial, satellite, cable and radio listings a digital TV Times subscription traverses the vast televisual landscape to ensure you never miss out.

Bringing you closer to the shows you love every week, TV Times digital magazine arms you with up-to-date info on all your favourite soaps and series, as well as giving you the chance to discover your next binge-worthy show by giving you behind-the-scenes access to the new and exciting programmes gracing your screens each week.

With over 40 pages of easy-to-read listings that ensure you always know what's up next and film reviews that can help you decide what to watch - and what to skip - a TV Times digital magazine subscription is sure to keep you engaged with all the content you love best each and every time a new issue is downloaded to your device.

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  • Your essential and comprehensive guide to the week’s television
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Basato su 40 Recensioni dei clienti
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Always reliable with most channels listed. Recensito 21 gennaio 2023

Always Better than the Radio Times

Always Better than the Radio Times - Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in TV Times 27 Jul 2024.

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