Ubikwist Magazine  |  Ubikwist #5 RESILIENCE Issue
Welcome to Ubikwist’s 5th issue of arts, fashion, activism and culture. This is our Resilience theme.
We pride ourselves as a cultural barometer for our readers with thought-provoking themes that shape our perspectives. This edition features testimonies from a wide variety of artists who share their stories on how they have persevered through adversities; The photographer Bettina Rheims, the artists Frank Bowling, and Renee Cox among many others. These testimonies are accompanied with enticing aesthetics and visceral stories that evoke feelings of resilience. Each page is daring, riveting, and modern- creating an inviting world that has something for every reader.
Women, particularly women of color, are often at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to activism, and we are proud to provide a platform where we unapologetically celebrate our different art forms and share our stories. For most women, biting of the teeth is a genetically attuned trait; a potent mix of tenacity and cold realism. A woman’s resilience is something worth celebrating, as she navigates through the daily struggles of identity, beauty, glaring misogyny, sexuality, sexual humiliation and racism. With jaw-dropping images shot around the world in New York, Paris, London, and Tokyo, this edition delivers on promise that art can be a powerful inspiration to a movement.
The challenge wasn’t to outdo our last issue, but how best we can speak through our art to reflect our current cultural and political landscape. The Resilience issue transcends stories and images, it’s a conversation curator that connects with readers on an emotional and spiritual level. This is our best issue yet, and as you flip through the pages, we are hopeful that you will continue to remain resilient.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Ubikwist Magazine Ubikwist #5 RESILIENCE Issue.