UFO Matrix  |  Issue 6
Features include:
BELFAST AND THE SCARESHIP - Shane Cochrane details the May 1909 'scareship' over Belfast.
SHOCK AND AWE - Bob Rogers asks "How would humans deal with the emotional impact of encountering extra-terrestrial intelligence ?
ORBIS TERTIUS - Scott Corrales in his regular column looks at the subject of Ultraterrestrials.
THE KINGMAN ARIZONA CRASH - Did a UFO crash at Kingman, Arizona ?
NICK POPE COLUMN - A full report on the International UFO Congress by Nick Pope.
THE ZDANY PHOTOGRAPHS - Robert Bernatowicz thinks the Zdany photos from Poland are the real deal
1966 WESTALL FLYING SAUCER INCIDENT - Shane Ryan gives full details on Melbourne's forgotten UFO landing case.
UFOS SIGHTED OVER ENGLAND IN THE 1950’s - John Hanson and Dawn Holloway look at classic UFO sightings
THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL HYPOTHESIS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE - Brian Allan asks "The ET hypothesis and the periodic table. Is the answer here ?"
OZ COLUMN Unorthodox Encounters. Lee Paqui and Sheryl Gottschall argue that the UFO subject is far more complicated than some would have us imagine.
And much, much more.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in UFO Matrix Issue 6.