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Union Wakeboarder Magazine Union U.S Edition - Issue 01 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Boards & Watersports)
"I have a burning, hateful love for Wakeboarding" words from the mouth of Randall Harrris.
"Now the sun’s starting to pop, we’re here, and the water’s like 80 degrees and blue. You can see the bottom for days. I think we’re in paradise” JD Webb.
"It took me years before I could even start the process of forgiving myself for allowing things to continue as long as they did and hurting people as a result, including my own family.” Justin Stephens

Union U.S Issue 01 features Randall Harris' definitive interview, Mexico pictorial journey, Justin Stephens interview on the story of ‘Company Wakeboards’, Mitch Langfield on his first full length ‘Odyssey’. As well as interviews with Josh Twelker, Danny Hampson, Danny Harf, Cody Hesse, Derek Muscat, Trever Maur and more. Exclusive videos, teasers and general ironic awesome-ness that we are known for.

Download the Standard Edition on you phone or the interactive Custom Edition for your tablet - Now that the world is small Union can be looked at on your device wherever and whenever you are.
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Union Wakeboarder

Union U.S Edition - Issue 01 "I have a burning, hateful love for Wakeboarding" words from the mouth of Randall Harrris. "Now the sun’s starting to pop, we’re here, and the water’s like 80 degrees and blue. You can see the bottom for days. I think we’re in paradise” JD Webb. "It took me years before I could even start the process of forgiving myself for allowing things to continue as long as they did and hurting people as a result, including my own family.” Justin Stephens Union U.S Issue 01 features Randall Harris' definitive interview, Mexico pictorial journey, Justin Stephens interview on the story of ‘Company Wakeboards’, Mitch Langfield on his first full length ‘Odyssey’. As well as interviews with Josh Twelker, Danny Hampson, Danny Harf, Cody Hesse, Derek Muscat, Trever Maur and more. Exclusive videos, teasers and general ironic awesome-ness that we are known for. Download the Standard Edition on you phone or the interactive Custom Edition for your tablet - Now that the world is small Union can be looked at on your device wherever and whenever you are.

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Issue Cover

Union Wakeboarder  |  Union U.S Edition - Issue 01  

"I have a burning, hateful love for Wakeboarding" words from the mouth of Randall Harrris.
"Now the sun’s starting to pop, we’re here, and the water’s like 80 degrees and blue. You can see the bottom for days. I think we’re in paradise” JD Webb.
"It took me years before I could even start the process of forgiving myself for allowing things to continue as long as they did and hurting people as a result, including my own family.” Justin Stephens

Union U.S Issue 01 features Randall Harris' definitive interview, Mexico pictorial journey, Justin Stephens interview on the story of ‘Company Wakeboards’, Mitch Langfield on his first full length ‘Odyssey’. As well as interviews with Josh Twelker, Danny Hampson, Danny Harf, Cody Hesse, Derek Muscat, Trever Maur and more. Exclusive videos, teasers and general ironic awesome-ness that we are known for.

Download the Standard Edition on you phone or the interactive Custom Edition for your tablet - Now that the world is small Union can be looked at on your device wherever and whenever you are.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Wakeboarding is a sport, a passion, a community - a life. And, Union U.S Wakeboarder Magazine is committed to those who call wakeboarding ‘theirs’ by reflecting and portraying the sport in a modern light. A true ‘riders’ magazine in every sense, focusing on the nature and culture of, wakeboarding as a professional lifestyle. Having seen the sport, move from its impressionable beginnings through to having a strong enough identity to stand alongside its established, boardsport cousins; surfing, snowboarding and skateboarding.

Differentiating itself from its Australian brother, Union U.S Wakeboarder features coverage on a global scale. Reshaped and redesigned specifically for the digital medium, Union U.S is more than a Wakeboard Magazine, it’s a Digital Wakeboard Magazine.

Download your exciting digital edition now to never miss an issue.

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