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Wrestletalk Magazine FSM Issue 93 Edizione posteriore

16 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Ring & Combat Sport)
Only €5,99
Main features: Can WWE re-build Brock Lesnar, in order for him to headline WrestleMania XXX? FSM talks to William Regal and Dixie Carter about the inner workings of WWE and TNA respectively.

Also featuring columns by TNA star Nick "Magnus" Aldis and Jim Cornette.
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Wrestletalk Magazine

FSM Issue 93 Main features: Can WWE re-build Brock Lesnar, in order for him to headline WrestleMania XXX? FSM talks to William Regal and Dixie Carter about the inner workings of WWE and TNA respectively. Also featuring columns by TNA star Nick "Magnus" Aldis and Jim Cornette.

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Issue Cover

Wrestletalk Magazine  |  FSM Issue 93  

Main features: Can WWE re-build Brock Lesnar, in order for him to headline WrestleMania XXX? FSM talks to William Regal and Dixie Carter about the inner workings of WWE and TNA respectively.

Also featuring columns by TNA star Nick "Magnus" Aldis and Jim Cornette.
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Dropping once a month, Wrestletalk magazine is your monthly dose of the latest wrestling news. From interviews with fighters and judges to reviews of fights, fighter gossip, the best wrestling products and even some wrestling-focussed gaming reviews - there’s something for every wrestling fan within its pages. 

It doesn’t matter whether you’re into WWE, AEW or NJPW, Wrestletalk magazine has firmly established itself as the authority on all things pro-wrestling. Long-term fans will love the nostalgia and retrospective features on significant moments in wrestling over the years. New fans will love the current match analysis and industry news. Everyone will love the fan culture and honest assessment of the world of wrestling. 

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  • Interviews with fighters and judges, reviews of fights, fighter gossip, the best wrestling products and wrestling-focussed gaming reviews
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Basato su 16 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Highly informative

Full of interesting articles for all those fans of wrestling Recensito 25 aprile 2022

Always interesting

Great information and and ideas with regard to wrestling Recensito 09 aprile 2022

Best Mag for Wrestling Fans

Best Mag for Wrestling Fans with great features on the stars of wrestling. Recensito 19 giugno 2020

Always entertaining

Contains latest news Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Very good, still room to improve

Solid app, works well on Nexus 7 - seamless magazine/subscription ordering and a free magazine within the price of the app. Needs to improve descriptions and contents of each issue, I expect this will improve in time. Recensito 24 novembre 2012

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Wrestletalk Magazine FSM Issue 93.

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