Neil Gaiman, riding high off the success of the Netflix adaptation of The Sandman, has made an album with the FourPlay String Quartet called Signs of Life.You can hear the first single from the album, ‘Bloody Sunrise’, and watch the very Gothic video. Find out more at https:// album will be out by the time you read this. (GD)
‘I started writing in 2014. For the first year or so I roamed from room to room, trying to get away from my husband and children to write flash fiction, short stories, little bits of memoir. Printed drafts and notebooks began piling up. It must have been bad, because my notterribly-tidy husband suggested I take myself and my bits of paper out to the shed. We cleared it, moved the laundry operation into the house and spent €50 on Ikea flooring that was, fittingly, made from recycled paper. Now I had a writing shed, which somehow made me feel that I had a job; that even if no one ever paid me a penny to do it, I was a writer.’ Louise Kennedy
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