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Yachting Life Magazine January & February 2016 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Boards & Watersports)
Iconic St Kilda features prominently in the January/February issue of Yachting Life. Britain’s western outpost will be the centerpiece of an exciting new race/cruise this summer, called the St Kilda Challenge and, as an appetite whetter, there’s a two page log on a cruise right into Village Bay.
Other big news in this issue centres on a preview of the London Boat Show, lots of dinghy racing news including RYA Scotland’s Champion of Champions event won for the first time by a racing cat!
Then we have a cruise log starting on the Clyde and going north to Skye.
On test this month we have the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 855 Marlin.
Also, with the Open Championship being held at Troon this year, Troon Marina will be ultra popular with boat owning visitors desperate for a berth so close to the action on the links. Full details and terrific pictures.
So, all that and more in Yachting Life’s January/February 2016 edition, created digitally and available anywhere on the planet.
It’s Ideal for ex-pat sailors missing being afloat on home waters.
Look at the current low, annual subscription rates for 6 consecutive bi-monthly issues of YL delivered to mobile phone or tablet where YOU sail.
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Yachting Life

January & February 2016 Iconic St Kilda features prominently in the January/February issue of Yachting Life. Britain’s western outpost will be the centerpiece of an exciting new race/cruise this summer, called the St Kilda Challenge and, as an appetite whetter, there’s a two page log on a cruise right into Village Bay. Other big news in this issue centres on a preview of the London Boat Show, lots of dinghy racing news including RYA Scotland’s Champion of Champions event won for the first time by a racing cat! Then we have a cruise log starting on the Clyde and going north to Skye. On test this month we have the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 855 Marlin. Also, with the Open Championship being held at Troon this year, Troon Marina will be ultra popular with boat owning visitors desperate for a berth so close to the action on the links. Full details and terrific pictures. So, all that and more in Yachting Life’s January/February 2016 edition, created digitally and available anywhere on the planet. It’s Ideal for ex-pat sailors missing being afloat on home waters. Look at the current low, annual subscription rates for 6 consecutive bi-monthly issues of YL delivered to mobile phone or tablet where YOU sail.

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Issue Cover

Yachting Life  |  January & February 2016  

Iconic St Kilda features prominently in the January/February issue of Yachting Life. Britain’s western outpost will be the centerpiece of an exciting new race/cruise this summer, called the St Kilda Challenge and, as an appetite whetter, there’s a two page log on a cruise right into Village Bay.
Other big news in this issue centres on a preview of the London Boat Show, lots of dinghy racing news including RYA Scotland’s Champion of Champions event won for the first time by a racing cat!
Then we have a cruise log starting on the Clyde and going north to Skye.
On test this month we have the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 855 Marlin.
Also, with the Open Championship being held at Troon this year, Troon Marina will be ultra popular with boat owning visitors desperate for a berth so close to the action on the links. Full details and terrific pictures.
So, all that and more in Yachting Life’s January/February 2016 edition, created digitally and available anywhere on the planet.
It’s Ideal for ex-pat sailors missing being afloat on home waters.
Look at the current low, annual subscription rates for 6 consecutive bi-monthly issues of YL delivered to mobile phone or tablet where YOU sail.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Affectionately referred to by regular readers as ‘Britain’s Biggest Sailing Magazine North Of The South’, Yachting Life is a monthly publication featuring racing and cruising in Scotland, North of Ireland, the North of England and the Isle of Man. A team of ten regular correspondents in the north of the country ensures that Yachting Life offers national coverage of local yacht club, keelboat and dinghy stories, as well as providing informed boat tests.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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