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Your Horse Magazine March 2018 Edizione posteriore

8 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Equestrian)
Only €5,99
We can all be guilty of staying in more and riding less over the festive period, and efforts to keep your horse in shape can go out of the window. But with spring just around the corner, there’s really no better time to get out there and start upping your game. If the thought of New Year fitness fanatics squeezing into lycra hasn’t convinced you to jump onboard the ‘get active’ bandwagon, then maybe event rider Ibby Macpherson can. Here, she explains her go-to exercises for getting your horse out of the arena and fit, strong and supple for spring.
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Your Horse

March 2018 YOUR PERFECT NEW YEAR RIDING PLAN We can all be guilty of staying in more and riding less over the festive period, and efforts to keep your horse in shape can go out of the window. But with spring just around the corner, there’s really no better time to get out there and start upping your game. If the thought of New Year fitness fanatics squeezing into lycra hasn’t convinced you to jump onboard the ‘get active’ bandwagon, then maybe event rider Ibby Macpherson can. Here, she explains her go-to exercises for getting your horse out of the arena and fit, strong and supple for spring.

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Issue Cover

Your Horse  |  March 2018  

We can all be guilty of staying in more and riding less over the festive period, and efforts to keep your horse in shape can go out of the window. But with spring just around the corner, there’s really no better time to get out there and start upping your game. If the thought of New Year fitness fanatics squeezing into lycra hasn’t convinced you to jump onboard the ‘get active’ bandwagon, then maybe event rider Ibby Macpherson can. Here, she explains her go-to exercises for getting your horse out of the arena and fit, strong and supple for spring.
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Your Horse’s ethos is helping our readers to learn, improve and enjoy all things equine — inspiring them with new ideas to try in the saddle and topical features to hone how they care for their horse. We also showcase the latest gear for both horse and rider, with independent testers reviewing products and giving honest reviews about essential kit, while our interviews and real-life features ensure we provide relatable, all-round entertainment.

Each of our 13 issues (annually) is filled with motivational content from the best riders, trainers, experts and vets in the business. From the seasoned competitor through to leisure riders and everyone in between, Your Horse has something for all. We are the only equine brand to dedicate time and space to hacking — and targeting the masses of riders who do not compete — in every single issue, as well as digitally through #Hack1000Miles. Our unique challenge celebrates this hugely valuable, yet often underrated discipline — and helps us engage with new people every single day.

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