Big Carp Magazine  |  Big Carp 228
New Coarse Season Kicks Off!
The glorious 16th we used to call it, but now most stillwaters are already open or did not close at all. It’s the river anglers that will finally be able to reap the rewards of their close season preparations or just get back to their favourite haunts, casting out once more to catch the unknown. River carping is now about the only side to our sport that still carries an air of secrecy and surprise, so no wonder it’s this type of carp fishing that has seen the most growth in recent years. We have published two very successful river carping books in the past year with another on its way for 2016, and it’s no surprise just why it’s so popular. Apart from rivers being uncrowded on a Friday afternoon, there is also the chance of a real surprise as these nomadic creatures move from stretch to stretch in their hunt for food. Even swims or complete stretches of the river are kept secret by the river fishers as they hold on tight to their little bit of paradise.
To all you guys that put in so much hard work to fish the rivers, I wish you good luck, and please remember if you have a river or canal tale to tell we would love to see it.
This month’s headline says it all – the next installment of Terry Dempsey’s exclusive diary features an extraordinary catch on his Kent syndicate, Winghams. This very testing venue does not give up its residents easily; some anglers have done three years without a bite! But Terry has smashed it once again in his usual style with an epic five-fish session, all big’uns topped by a fantastic scaly 42lb’er, which had been on the missing list for over five years, an awesome achievement for the Urban Myth.
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