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Doctor Who Magazine
DWM Special 60: Action Figures - The Essential Guide 1963-1996

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In This Issue
Action Figures
The Essential Guide 1963-1996
JIM SANGSTER identifies five key phases in the development of Doctor Who’s action figures and other articulated toys
The First Doctor
Reincarnated in plastic, William Hartnell’s original Doctor remains a gentleman.
Daleks : The 1960s
The Daleks didn’t just conquer space. In toy form, they gained total dominion over playtime, too.
The Sensorites
The timid Sensorites controlled human space explorers of the 28th century with their psychic powers.
The Keys of Marinus
The Voord were knife-wielding assassins who crossed the acid sea of the strange planet Marinus.
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Daleks are the masters of the devastated 22nd-century Earth.
The Chase
The Daleks seek to match the firepower of the robotic Mechonoids.
Cybermen : The 1960s
Part-mechanical monsters from Mondas plot to invade their twin planet – Earth!
The Second Doctor
The Doctor’s recorder-tooting Second self first appeared in the closing moments of The Tenth Planet (1966).
The Ice Warriors
Hissing denizens of the Red Planet excavated from a glacier during Earth’s Second Ice Age.
The Third Doctor
Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor was a dedicated follower of dandified fashions – as his action figures prove.
Spearhead from Space
Mass-produced plastic monsters from the Third Doctor’s 1970 debut become mass-produced plastic monsters!
Doctor Who and the Silurians
Awaking from hibernation, bipedal reptilians of antiquity are appalled to discover they’ve been supplanted by apes.
The Claws of Axos
UNIT stands against a vampiric space entity come to drain the Earth dry… with the help of the Master!
The Dæmons
The Master conjures with dark forces in the ominously named village of Devil’s End.
The Sea Devils
There’s something nasty in the water: intelligent ship-sinking reptiles, come to break the Master out of jail!
The Time Monster
Professor Thascalos – aka the Master – plots to gain control over a time-eating Chronovore.
Daleks: The 1970s
The decade in which we visited the Daleks’ Planet, witnessed their Genesis and saw their ultimate Destiny
The Fourth Doctor
The absurdly long scarf worn by Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor made him immediately recognisable.
Experimental Robot K1 – built by an elite of experts bent on world domination!
The Sontaran Experiment
On the post-apocalyptic Earth, Field-Major Styre is conducting unspeakably abominable tests on human subjects…
Genesis of the Daleks
To hold in your hand a figure from the Daleks’ origin story, to know that life and death at 5.5” scale was your choice.
Terror of the Zygons
Deep beneath a Scottish loch sits the organic spaceship of the Zygons – masters of the Loch Ness monster!
Cybermen: The 1970s
In their only major 1970s appearance, the Cybermen sought to destroy a planet packed with the gold that proved deadly to them.
Pyramids of Mars
Archaeologist Marcus Scarman becomes a tool of the alien god Sutekh, who’s interred in an Egyptian monument!
The Brain of Morbius
An outer space Frankenstein builds a body for his renegade Time Lord master – now reduced to just his brain.
The Seeds of Doom
A deranged flora fancier seeks an alien vegetable.
The Deadly Assassin
On his home planet, the Doctor is framed for the Time Lord President’s murder… by the now decrepit Master.
The Face of Evil
Savage Sevateem tribeswoman Leela meets the Doctor… whom she knows as a god!
The Robots of Death
Someone’s turning the robots aboard the ore-gathering Storm Mine 4 into killers…
The Talons of Weng- Chiang
A time criminal is conducting sinister experiments in Victorian London. By his side is a murderous, pig-brained cyborg...
Image of the Fendahl
Something terrible is roaming Fetch Priory. Something hungry for your soul…
The Invasion of Time
The six-part finale to the 1977-78 season inspired
Destiny of the Daleks
Romana regenerates… and Davros is resurrected.
City of Death
Paris, 1979 – and Scaroth, last of the Jagaroth has his one eye fixed on stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre…
The Keeper of Traken
The dying Master plots to renew himself by bringing chaos to the peaceful groves of Traken.
The Fifth Doctor
The fresh-faced Fifth Doctor batted away his enemies in Edwardian-style cricketing clobber.
Cybermen: The 1980s
The Cybermen staged an unexpected comeback in 1982 – with a striking new look!
The Cybermen’s android guards on Earth… become their robot nemesis on Gallifrey!
The Five Doctors
Warriors of the Deep
From the 1984 season: a watery triad… plus a fiery double.
Planet of Fire
The Caves of Androzani
The tormented Sharaz Jek hoards rejuvenating spectrox in the caves of Androzani Minor.
Daleks: The 1980s
Representing the decade of the Daleks’ Resurrection, Revelation and Remembrance
The Sixth Doctor
The colourful coat worn by Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor has inspired a plethora of gaudy paint schemes.
The Two Doctors
Villainy near Seville, as the Sontarans seek the secret of time travel by experimenting on the Second Doctor.
The Seventh Doctor
Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor was a natty dresser – but his with-it companion Ace’s look was wicked.
Time and the Rani
On Lakertya, a newly regenerated Doctor and his aerobicising friend Mel run into the Tetraps – bat-like servants of the evil Rani!
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Doctor duels with Davros and the Daleks in London, 1963.
The Eighth Doctor
Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor started out in ‘Wild Bill’ Hickok fancy dress… but his look has continued to evolve.
Figures of Eight
The market for Doctor Who action figures has matured in ways that no one in the 1960s could have predicted. JONATHAN MORRIS describes the role these toys have played in recapturing our lost youth
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