Parchment Craft | Jan/Feb 2022
This issue we look at the beauty winter can bring, including flowers in the patterns provided by Pat Murphy on and Kay James. We also look at nature, with Mary G Kerr’s gold finch and Judith Maslen’s butterfly.
This edition sees the arrival of Valentine’s Day, but don’t forget many of these designs can be adapted for occasions throughout the year such as weddings and anniversaries – so versatile! Take
a look at Mary Price’s project that also includes intricate gold gilding detail which is not only something a little diff erent to try but adds some beautiful shimmer and shine!
We take a look at many different techniques and ideas throughout this issue, including Judith Maslen’s workshop on using invisible thread, Lesley Shore’s twisted easel and Mary Price’s folded lace design. These use an item or a shape that you might not have normally considered. All this inspiration and so much more!
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The monthly magazine Parchment Craft remains the only publication of its kind anywhere in the world making it the premier choice for enthusiasts who demand the full diversity of their chosen subject.
A global team of widely respected editorial contributors bring a broad range of parchment ideas, patterns and techniques every month presenting possibilities with new products as well as traditional methods including white work embossing and working with different colouring mediums.
Make sure that every single one of your creations is a show stopper with Parchment Craft digital magazine!
Je ontvangt 6 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Parchment Craft abonnement op een tijdschrift.
Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.
Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Parchment Craft Jan/Feb 2022.