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Parchment Craft Magazine Sept/Oct 2021 Vorige editie

270 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Temperatures are cooling down here in the UK, the evenings drawing in… perfect, time to get cosy and start parching!

We have an abundance of styles filling this issue, to suit a variety of tastes. First up, we celebrate the new season of Autumn with some stunning still life images, from Kay James and Judith Maslen. Not only that, but we can’t forget Halloween at the end of October, so Mary G.Kerr has a ‘be-witching’ treat followed by Jane Frezza’s spook-tacular creation! Ideal for children too!

Be sure to check out Judith’s workshops this issue – she has not one but two beautiful designs detailing how to work in monochrome, then turn over to see how to work in sepia, both very useful and the additional step by steps are there to help you even more!

You will find some stunners this edition, some designs with a difference as we break from the norm of square or rectangle cards; Lesley Shore’s diamond fold is a must try, it’s not too early to start on… wait for it… Christmas! Another stunner from Lesley Shore, getting those festive decorations at the ready!
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Parchment Craft

Sept/Oct 2021 Temperatures are cooling down here in the UK, the evenings drawing in… perfect, time to get cosy and start parching! We have an abundance of styles filling this issue, to suit a variety of tastes. First up, we celebrate the new season of Autumn with some stunning still life images, from Kay James and Judith Maslen. Not only that, but we can’t forget Halloween at the end of October, so Mary G.Kerr has a ‘be-witching’ treat followed by Jane Frezza’s spook-tacular creation! Ideal for children too! Be sure to check out Judith’s workshops this issue – she has not one but two beautiful designs detailing how to work in monochrome, then turn over to see how to work in sepia, both very useful and the additional step by steps are there to help you even more! You will find some stunners this edition, some designs with a difference as we break from the norm of square or rectangle cards; Lesley Shore’s diamond fold is a must try, it’s not too early to start on… wait for it… Christmas! Another stunner from Lesley Shore, getting those festive decorations at the ready!

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The monthly magazine Parchment Craft remains the only publication of its kind anywhere in the world making it the premier choice for enthusiasts who demand the full diversity of their chosen subject. 

A global team of widely respected editorial contributors bring a broad range of parchment ideas, patterns and techniques every month presenting possibilities with new products as well as traditional methods including white work embossing and working with different colouring mediums.

Make sure that every single one of your creations is a show stopper with Parchment Craft digital magazine

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