Parchment Craft | Summer Special 2012
This wonderful collection boasts work by some of the leading ‘parchment’ practitioners from around the world. Many have had their work published in the regular Parchment Craft magazine, but there are others who may not be familiar to you, (Heather Thomas, Ria Von Avondt, Sara Keen - to name just a few), but each will inspire you with their ideas and creative talents.
In this Summer Special, there’s a variety of themes to suit all tastes and most aspects of nyour favourite craft have been covered (white work, embossing and grid work) and theyn are complimented by a selection of exquisite coloured pieces featuring the use of nspecialist pencils, paints and inks.
There are projects suitable for those who have just started parching while more intricaten designs will satisfy the experienced parcher.
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The monthly magazine Parchment Craft remains the only publication of its kind anywhere in the world making it the premier choice for enthusiasts who demand the full diversity of their chosen subject.
A global team of widely respected editorial contributors bring a broad range of parchment ideas, patterns and techniques every month presenting possibilities with new products as well as traditional methods including white work embossing and working with different colouring mediums.
Make sure that every single one of your creations is a show stopper with Parchment Craft digital magazine!
Je ontvangt 6 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Parchment Craft abonnement op een tijdschrift.
Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.
Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Parchment Craft Summer Special 2012.