RCM&E  |  February 2015
"PLAN FEATURE: Jezebel - Peter Miller’s new design based on the pretty racer
FREE PLAN: Pensuti – Suitable indoors or out, Cyril Carr models one of the first microlights
REVIEW: Spektrum DX6 – sending a serious message to rivals
REVIEW: Seagull iSport – the new low-wing classic-style sportster
REVIEW: Tidewater – Flyzone’s pretty flying boat
CLIFFWHACKER: finishing and flying last month slope glider plan feature
EXHAUSTIVE INVESTIGATIONS: taming those after-market exhausts
LET’S FLY PT.2 – which is best for your first model, foam or balsa?
MODEL MAGIC: Martin Fardell’s superb Short Scylla
NATS 2014: looking back at the National Model Flying Champtionships
HUCKNALL FREEZER: all the action from the snowy fly-in
ON THE EDGE: Ellison heads to the southern slopes
WIZ OF OZ: mounting small engines
WEEKENDERS: making a WW1 instrument panel
MAKE IT SCALE: detailing the Chipmunk"
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Artikelen in deze editie
Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in RCM&E February 2015.