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3D World Magazine April 2016 Edição anterior

51 Comentários   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Design)
Breaking into the games industry and landing a role on a leading art team is fast becoming the dream for many CG artists. But how do you get noticed,
wedge your foot in the door, and kickstart your career? To get the best insight possible we’ve gathered together artists and art directors from some of the world’s leading game studios, including Naughty Dog, 343 Industries and Guerilla Games to pick their collective brain.
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3D World

April 2016 BECOME A PRO GAMES ARTIST Breaking into the games industry and landing a role on a leading art team is fast becoming the dream for many CG artists. But how do you get noticed, wedge your foot in the door, and kickstart your career? To get the best insight possible we’ve gathered together artists and art directors from some of the world’s leading game studios, including Naughty Dog, 343 Industries and Guerilla Games to pick their collective brain.

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Com base em 51 Comentários de clientes
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This is a great magazine full of tips Revisto 21 janeiro 2023

3D World

I look forward to each issue as it spans the world of what is happening in 3D in various sectors. Love the freebies they include with each issue too. Revisto 11 setembro 2022

3D World

I bought the very first issue back when I was a novice. Being a professional artist and vfx supervisor I'm about 1 hour away from introducing a classroom of 60 University students on the University's first 3D course. I couldn't be more proud of the publication. Revisto 19 janeiro 2021

3D World

liked it from the second edition Revisto 28 julho 2020

3D World

Very handy for me and well made. Revisto 12 maio 2020
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