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Aeroplane Magazine Great British Flying Boats Edição especial

254 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €7,99
THE THIRD IN our Aeroplane Collectors’ Archive series is devoted to
British monoplane flying-boats – we intend to cover biplane ‘boats in a
future issue, while the Saro SR.A/1 will also feature in another of this
series. One type included here is not a flying-boat – the seaplane upper
component of the Short-Mayo Composite, but the unit had to be considered
as a whole.
As in previous Collectors’ Archives, only basic details for each type are
given, and we concentrate on providing large and interesting illustrations
and cutaway drawings from the Aeroplane and Flight archives,
supplementing these where necessary by quality prints from our wider
archive and from other sources. We are grateful to the Solent Sky Museum
Southampton for their assistance with this volume.
Much of the artwork was drawn by James (Jimmy) Clark of The Aeroplane
who started producing cutaways in the mid-1930s, continuing to the early
1960s, initially small and uncomplicated but getting more detailed as aircraft
became more complex. We have also had access to material from Flight’s Max
Millar, for which we are grateful to Flight Global, and we are pleased to
include work by other artists including Roy Cross, who produced cutaways for
The Aeroplane, and also colour illustrations for Air x.
Production of a cutaway could involve hundreds of hours, artists often
spending a great deal of time in factories sketching the necessary details
and referring to engineering drawings to complete an accurate cutaway.
Often the drawings would needing additional finishing work at home or in
the studio. Their work is worthy of detailed study and we hope readers will
find it of interest.
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Great British Flying Boats THE THIRD IN our Aeroplane Collectors’ Archive series is devoted to British monoplane flying-boats – we intend to cover biplane ‘boats in a future issue, while the Saro SR.A/1 will also feature in another of this series. One type included here is not a flying-boat – the seaplane upper component of the Short-Mayo Composite, but the unit had to be considered as a whole. As in previous Collectors’ Archives, only basic details for each type are given, and we concentrate on providing large and interesting illustrations and cutaway drawings from the Aeroplane and Flight archives, supplementing these where necessary by quality prints from our wider archive and from other sources. We are grateful to the Solent Sky Museum Southampton for their assistance with this volume. CUTAWAY ARTWORK Much of the artwork was drawn by James (Jimmy) Clark of The Aeroplane who started producing cutaways in the mid-1930s, continuing to the early 1960s, initially small and uncomplicated but getting more detailed as aircraft became more complex. We have also had access to material from Flight’s Max Millar, for which we are grateful to Flight Global, and we are pleased to include work by other artists including Roy Cross, who produced cutaways for The Aeroplane, and also colour illustrations for Air x. Production of a cutaway could involve hundreds of hours, artists often spending a great deal of time in factories sketching the necessary details and referring to engineering drawings to complete an accurate cutaway. Often the drawings would needing additional finishing work at home or in the studio. Their work is worthy of detailed study and we hope readers will find it of interest.

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Ofertas digitais disponíveis:

Edição especial digital Great British Flying Boats
7,99 / issue
Esta edição especial não está incluída numa Aeroplane inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €4,83 por edição

Opções de assinatura
As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

Aeroplane issue Great British Flying Boats

Aeroplane  |  Great British Flying Boats  

THE THIRD IN our Aeroplane Collectors’ Archive series is devoted to
British monoplane flying-boats – we intend to cover biplane ‘boats in a
future issue, while the Saro SR.A/1 will also feature in another of this
series. One type included here is not a flying-boat – the seaplane upper
component of the Short-Mayo Composite, but the unit had to be considered
as a whole.
As in previous Collectors’ Archives, only basic details for each type are
given, and we concentrate on providing large and interesting illustrations
and cutaway drawings from the Aeroplane and Flight archives,
supplementing these where necessary by quality prints from our wider
archive and from other sources. We are grateful to the Solent Sky Museum
Southampton for their assistance with this volume.
Much of the artwork was drawn by James (Jimmy) Clark of The Aeroplane
who started producing cutaways in the mid-1930s, continuing to the early
1960s, initially small and uncomplicated but getting more detailed as aircraft
became more complex. We have also had access to material from Flight’s Max
Millar, for which we are grateful to Flight Global, and we are pleased to
include work by other artists including Roy Cross, who produced cutaways for
The Aeroplane, and also colour illustrations for Air x.
Production of a cutaway could involve hundreds of hours, artists often
spending a great deal of time in factories sketching the necessary details
and referring to engineering drawings to complete an accurate cutaway.
Often the drawings would needing additional finishing work at home or in
the studio. Their work is worthy of detailed study and we hope readers will
find it of interest.
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Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Published monthly, Aeroplane traces its lineage back to the weekly The Aeroplane launched in June 1911, and is still continuing to provide the best aviation coverage around. Aeroplane magazine is dedicated to offering the most in-depth and entertaining read on all historical aircraft. With a distinct emphasis on military aircraft from the 1930s to the 1960s, the magazine features such icons as the Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster and many more.

Regular features include:

• Database: Aeroplane puts historic planes under the spotlight by discussing development, in service details, insights and technical details.
• Aeroplane Meets: Interview series on leading figures from the historic aircraft scene.
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• Aircrew: An insider’s look at the crew that manned legendary aircraft.

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Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Please note: Posters or wall planners included with the printed magazine are currently unavailable with the digital version.

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Com base em 254 Comentários de clientes
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I have issues from the 1940's

I have issues of the magazine my father purchased in the 1940's. A great read then and a great read now.
Just a shame the early editions are not still available in digital form
Revisto 26 outubro 2023


I read Aeroplane since 1975. thereafter I bought the magazine when I coud find it in my hometown, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Revisto 24 novembro 2020


I have been a major fan of Aeroplane for over fifty years.More power to you arm!! Revisto 20 agosto 2020


As an American I don't see alot of British a/c in our magazines other than the usual Hurricanes, Spits, and so forth. And I have learned more about the RAF flying more American a/c such as the NA F-86 and the B-29 that you don't read about in American publications. Revisto 13 agosto 2020


Good articles on rare topics Revisto 15 julho 2020

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