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After The Battle Magazine W&T Issue 53 Edição especial

49 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
READERS' FORUM. MV EVENTS. SEEN, READ, HEARD. AROUND THE WORLD WITH A FORD GPA, Montreal to Montreal via Atlantic, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and Pacific. SEXTON SP GUNS, The Canadian Self-Propelled Tracked 25-pounder, described by David Fletcher. TABBY NIGHT-DRIVING EQUIPMENT, Wartime infra-red apparatus, reviewed by Clive Elliott. REMINISCENCES. SCALE MODELS. IDENTIFILE. DISCOVERIES. COLLECTIONS. BOOK REVIEWS. BEFORE AND AFTER. NETHERLANDS, MAY 5, 1945.
After The Battle Preview PagesAfter The Battle Preview Pages

After The Battle

W&T Issue 53 READERS' FORUM. MV EVENTS. SEEN, READ, HEARD. AROUND THE WORLD WITH A FORD GPA, Montreal to Montreal via Atlantic, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and Pacific. SEXTON SP GUNS, The Canadian Self-Propelled Tracked 25-pounder, described by David Fletcher. TABBY NIGHT-DRIVING EQUIPMENT, Wartime infra-red apparatus, reviewed by Clive Elliott. REMINISCENCES. SCALE MODELS. IDENTIFILE. DISCOVERIES. COLLECTIONS. BOOK REVIEWS. BEFORE AND AFTER. NETHERLANDS, MAY 5, 1945.

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Com base em 49 Comentários de clientes
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After The Battle

Always something fascinating! ... Revisto 31 agosto 2020

After The Battle

Excellent! However, I would like to see some articles about the East European theater of operations. Revisto 15 agosto 2020

Full of historical information

Great magazines for both young and old Revisto 17 julho 2019

The Best Then & Now Military History Magazine

After the Battle began as a project in 1973 just 28 years after the end of WW2, the first issue was launched at the start of 1975 from that research. The magazine spawned into a world leading military history magazine. I recall reading archived issues of the magazine my mates father had collected, many years later you can download current and archived issues all the way back to the original. Although not focused exclusively on WW2, it is predominately a WW2 history magazine and still the best out there, highly recommended. Revisto 01 outubro 2018
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