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AIR International Magazine November 2013 Edição anterior

155 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €6,99

60 Page Typhoon Special
Weapons Integration, Systems Operations & Technology

Voyager On Her Majesty's Service
AIR International goes behind the scenes

Part Two of our Tanker Rundown

KC-130J Multi-Mission Tanker

Merlin Mk2 Super Sub-Hunter

KC-46 Stratotanker II?
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AIR International

November 2013 BIGGEST EVER ISSUE WITH TWO FREE SUPPLEMENTS 60 Page Typhoon Special Weapons Integration, Systems Operations & Technology Voyager On Her Majesty's Service AIR International goes behind the scenes Part Two of our Tanker Rundown KC-130J Multi-Mission Tanker Merlin Mk2 Super Sub-Hunter KC-46 Stratotanker II?

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Issue Cover

AIR International  |  November 2013  


60 Page Typhoon Special
Weapons Integration, Systems Operations & Technology

Voyager On Her Majesty's Service
AIR International goes behind the scenes

Part Two of our Tanker Rundown

KC-130J Multi-Mission Tanker

Merlin Mk2 Super Sub-Hunter

KC-46 Stratotanker II?
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AIR International Magazine - For the best in modern military and commercial aviation

Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Established in 1972, AIR International has established an unrivalled reputation for authoritative reporting and coverage of the full spectrum of aviation subjects.

More recently, we have tried to improve the magazine from cover to cover. We have more correspondents and top aviation writers from around the world, offering even more exciting news, features and stunning photography.

Published monthly, AIR International has more pages than ever, all still dedicated to commercial and military aviation. Our new, more contemporary and colourful design, packed with more images and improved graphics make each page easier on the eye and, most importantly, more enjoyable to read.

Regular features include:

• The latest global military, commercial and aviation industry news
• Expansive aviation news section with dedicated news reports and columns
• Exclusive interviews with leading military and commercial aviation figures
• In-depth coverage of the latest military aircraft and helicopter types
• Worldwide exercise reports and a new focus on UAVs
• Air forces and airlines analysed
• Airline features and profiles, revealing how they work
• Regular special feature sections and supplements

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Com base em 155 Comentários de clientes
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AIR International

Great magazine for aircraft buffs: keep it up! Revisto 23 julho 2020

AIR International

in depth and interesting articles Revisto 19 junho 2020

AIR International

Very good Revisto 18 junho 2020

AIR International

love it Revisto 04 abril 2020

AIR International

good as it is Revisto 02 abril 2020

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