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Airsoft International Magazine Volume 8 issue 4 Edição anterior

37 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Only €3,49
Ai Volume 8 Issue 4

Fight Light with this issue of Ai! We talk to none other than Travis Hayley about training techniques and we indulge in an H&K special with reviews of the Mk23 SOCOM, the HK MP7A1 and the outstanding HK417D, plus make your own can cover!
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Airsoft International

Volume 8 issue 4 Ai Volume 8 Issue 4 

Fight Light with this issue of Ai! We talk to none other than Travis Hayley about training techniques and we indulge in an H&K special with reviews of the Mk23 SOCOM, the HK MP7A1 and the outstanding HK417D, plus make your own can cover!

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Issue Cover

Airsoft International  |  Volume 8 issue 4  

Ai Volume 8 Issue 4

Fight Light with this issue of Ai! We talk to none other than Travis Hayley about training techniques and we indulge in an H&K special with reviews of the Mk23 SOCOM, the HK MP7A1 and the outstanding HK417D, plus make your own can cover!
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Inside Airsoft International Magazine you’ll find a wealth of valuable information, from reviews, reports and group tests on guns and tactical equipment. Full, in-depth reviews of the latest releases are included every month along with how-to articles on upgrading, maintaining and getting the best out of your purchases.

In addition to this, you’ll find a selection of talking points regarding the most contentious and burning points surrounding our hobby and passions. All of this is supported with a crisp, fresh design ethos and the highest quality professional photographs, Airsoft International is the closest thing to playing airsoft without your eye-pro on!

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Com base em 37 Comentários de clientes
Ver críticas

Interesting magazine

Lots of interesting articles Revisto 25 abril 2022

Airsoft International

I like the magazine, in especial the weapons comparations. But I would like to see more about internal reviews.
Congratulations for the good job you have been doing.
Revisto 14 janeiro 2021

Airsoft International

Would like to see some coverage on KWA ERG M4 & AK platforms. Revisto 03 novembro 2020

Airsoft International

Would be nice to see less great chunks of advertising and more reviews, concepts, site information etc. but other than that, a great mag. thank you. Revisto 24 setembro 2020

Weapons only

Interesting if you are a gun into easiest uses for safe treatment Revisto 16 outubro 2018

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