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Leisure Interest

American Road Magazine

4 edições por ano   |  English
3 Comentários   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
From €3,25 por edição
Fuel your road trip dream with American Road magazine! American Road magazine is the official travel guide to exploring North America’s back roads. Find unique and affordable road trips, ideas, maps, diners, motels, and roadside attractions in every issue to plan the journey of a lifetime!
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American Road

Winter 2024 In this issue of AMERICAN ROAD, we replace the magnifying glass with a kaleidoscope to inspect The Muppet Movie, the epitome of a dashing pursuit for prismatic bliss! You never know, by the end of this edition of AMERICAN ROAD, you might stumble upon your very own rainbow. Or at the very least, a friendly frog driving a Studebaker. Our lead feature is a duo interview with Kermit and Fozzie from The Muppet Movie. It was no easy feat getting that pair into a room to discuss The Muppet Movie forty-six years after the film’s release. But after lengthy negotiations, the assuaging of all agents, and our ironclad assurances that Miss Piggy would never be made privy to anything said, the two stars agreed to grant us this rare sit-down. The Studebaker National Museum of South Bend, Indiana, is working to restore the vintage car that belonged to Fozzie in The Muppet Movie. We drop by to see how the project proceeds—learning a lot about Studebaker history in the process—before introducing our readers to the winners of our American Road “Movin’ Right Along” Photo Contest. From there, we get lost inside the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Heritage Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan; cross the famous Frog Bridge between Windham and Willimantic, Connecticut; compare the soles of our Keds and Buster Browns to those imprinted in cement at the former Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood; and check out the new Muppet exhibits at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta. We gas up at Frog Level Service Station in Tazewell, Virginia; grab a snack at T-Bab’s Drive-In in Rayne, Louisiana; then park for the night at the Rainbow Motel in Greeley, Colorado. Pack your bags and go find a rainbow of your own!

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American Road issue Winter 2024

American Road  |  Winter 2024  

In this issue of AMERICAN ROAD, we replace the magnifying glass with a kaleidoscope to inspect The Muppet Movie, the epitome of a dashing pursuit for prismatic bliss! You never know, by the end of this edition of AMERICAN ROAD, you might stumble upon your very own rainbow. Or at the very least, a friendly frog driving a Studebaker.

Our lead feature is a duo interview with Kermit and Fozzie from The Muppet Movie. It was no easy feat getting that pair into a room to discuss The Muppet Movie forty-six years after the film’s release. But after lengthy negotiations, the assuaging of all agents, and our ironclad assurances that Miss Piggy would never be made privy to anything said, the two stars agreed to grant us this rare sit-down.

The Studebaker National Museum of South Bend, Indiana, is working to restore the vintage car that belonged to Fozzie in The Muppet Movie. We drop by to see how the project proceeds—learning a lot about Studebaker history in the process—before introducing our readers to the winners of our American Road “Movin’ Right Along” Photo Contest. From there, we get lost inside the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Heritage Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan; cross the famous Frog Bridge between Windham and Willimantic,

Connecticut; compare the soles of our Keds and Buster Browns to those imprinted in cement at the former Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood; and check out the new Muppet exhibits at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta. We gas up at Frog Level Service Station in Tazewell, Virginia; grab a snack at T-Bab’s Drive-In in Rayne, Louisiana; then park for the night at the Rainbow Motel in Greeley, Colorado.

Pack your bags and go find a rainbow of your own!

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