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American Waterfowler Magazine Volume III Issue 5 Edição anterior

15 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
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Another hunting-packed issue, plus all of AW’s great regular gear, guidance and insightful Hunt Book topics.
Hunt Book looks at the six duck species poised to make this hunting season one of the best ever. Tom Roster debunks the common myths surrounding shotgunning and loads. Michael Hungle explains how to keep birds coming with different looking spreads. We review 10 economy shotguns. Our boats column examines differences in hull performance. Robert Milner explains why dogs with over-drive under-perform on the hunt. .
Hunting features from Arkansas, Mississippi, Maryland Kansas and Utah, as well as some handy tips on scouting and hunting potholes and creeks.
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American Waterfowler

Volume III Issue 5 Another hunting-packed issue, plus all of AW’s great regular gear, guidance and insightful Hunt Book topics. Hunt Book looks at the six duck species poised to make this hunting season one of the best ever. Tom Roster debunks the common myths surrounding shotgunning and loads. Michael Hungle explains how to keep birds coming with different looking spreads. We review 10 economy shotguns. Our boats column examines differences in hull performance. Robert Milner explains why dogs with over-drive under-perform on the hunt. . Hunting features from Arkansas, Mississippi, Maryland Kansas and Utah, as well as some handy tips on scouting and hunting potholes and creeks.

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American Waterfowler issue Volume III Issue 5

American Waterfowler  |  Volume III Issue 5  

Another hunting-packed issue, plus all of AW’s great regular gear, guidance and insightful Hunt Book topics.
Hunt Book looks at the six duck species poised to make this hunting season one of the best ever. Tom Roster debunks the common myths surrounding shotgunning and loads. Michael Hungle explains how to keep birds coming with different looking spreads. We review 10 economy shotguns. Our boats column examines differences in hull performance. Robert Milner explains why dogs with over-drive under-perform on the hunt. .
Hunting features from Arkansas, Mississippi, Maryland Kansas and Utah, as well as some handy tips on scouting and hunting potholes and creeks.
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American Waterfowler stands alone as the bible of contemporary waterfowl hunting while paying homage to the deep traditions and exalted past of the marsh gunners and all their trappings.

American Waterfowler focuses on fi nding solutions for the common problems hunters face. Within dedicated columns such as Duck Dogs, Shotguns, Shotshells, Decoying, Flyway Watch, Smart Money, Marsh Notes and Tried And Tested, experts whose passions reside at the heart of the waterfowling industry share their knowledge and experience, making American Waterfowler THE magazine for waterfowlers both young and old.

Overcoming the challenges of weather, water, mud, decoying birds, dog handling, proper guns and loads and getting to the birds owes much to the brilliant products manufacturers have brought to bear, and the remarkable destinations provided by guides and outfi tters. American Waterfowler answers the call for a dedicated duck and goose hunting magazine to lead fowlers into the new era, while carrying on the rich traditions gained in a century of American waterfowling.

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Com base em 15 Comentários de clientes
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Great magazine!!!

One of the few magazines left that actually tells the story of the hunt like the great hunting & fishing magazines of the 60's and 70's.. Experienced waterfowlers don't want to read a generic how-to articles that are so basic only new hunters would learn anything from them. Those are the articles that are so prevalent in all the current hunting magazines. They want to read what other waterfowlers are doing across the country. How they are hunting and what tricks they are using in their daily hunts. American Waterfowler does exactly that. Keep it up. Revisto 02 abril 2022

Latest in America

Great for anyone interested in bird life Revisto 16 outubro 2018

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