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Tech for Seniors Magazine Google for Seniors Edição especial

3 Comentários   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Apple)
Google can do much more than you think.
Did you know that you can also use Google to explore the earth, build
yourself a blog, or plan your week? Google is about much more than
search and this guide is here to help you discover just what you can do
with these free, browser-based tools, products and services. Learn how to manage and share your images with Photos, discover the best way to
configure your Gmail email account, find and download apps, music,
books and movies easily on Google Play and take the first steps towards
building yourself a free blog or Google Site. And this is just the start.
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Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages Tech for Seniors Preview Pages

Tech for Seniors

Google for Seniors Google can do much more than you think. Did you know that you can also use Google to explore the earth, build yourself a blog, or plan your week? Google is about much more than search and this guide is here to help you discover just what you can do with these free, browser-based tools, products and services. Learn how to manage and share your images with Photos, discover the best way to configure your Gmail email account, find and download apps, music, books and movies easily on Google Play and take the first steps towards building yourself a free blog or Google Site. And this is just the start.

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Issue Cover

Tech for Seniors  |  Google for Seniors  

Google can do much more than you think.
Did you know that you can also use Google to explore the earth, build
yourself a blog, or plan your week? Google is about much more than
search and this guide is here to help you discover just what you can do
with these free, browser-based tools, products and services. Learn how to manage and share your images with Photos, discover the best way to
configure your Gmail email account, find and download apps, music,
books and movies easily on Google Play and take the first steps towards
building yourself a free blog or Google Site. And this is just the start.
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Are you tired of asking your children or grandchildren for help when using your computer, smartphone or tablet? Do you wish you could browse or shop on the internet, send and receive emails without any concerns regarding virus, hackers or identity theft? Do some of your device’s bundled apps lie unused, simply because you don’t know what to do with them? If so, help is at hand. Tech for Seniors brings you easy-to-use guides and tutorials for all key hardware and software, showing you how to master every-thing from your iPhone to your Windows laptop with confidence and no fear.
Easy-to-follow guides written in plain jargon free English with older readers being the key focus.
Learn how to approach your technology with a new sense of confidence and understanding.
Covering all of the most popular consumer technology from iPads to Windows and macOS.
From one of the leading publishers of the best selling For Seniors bookazines, you can now carry essential guides For Seniors with you at all times! Start on your path to mastering your favourite technology and building your confidence so you achieve just that.

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Com base em 3 Comentários de clientes
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High quality

Excellent for all generations Revisto 23 maio 2022

Very useful

Great for older users Revisto 17 julho 2019

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