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Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine June 2009 Edição anterior

140 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)
Welcome to our Summer Wedding edition, with an array of contemporary designs suitable for the modern June (and July/August) bride.

Inspired by these, and the fact that a reader recently asked me why inEngland summer weddings were traditionally the most popular, I've also done a little digging. The obvious answer appears to be that the better chance of good weather makes for that perfect setting for that perfect day,but I was intrigued to also find an old law dating back centuries which required that Weddings must take place between 8am and 6pm so there is enough light to ensure you marry the right person. Presumably in the early days of veils and dim candlelit churches it would certainly have been difficult to recognise your partner in the darker months of the year.

Anyway, whatever the reasons, let's enjoy the bright summer days whilst we have them, and seize any excuse the season brings to tackle a new cake decorating project.
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Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine

June 2009 Welcome to our Summer Wedding edition, with an array of contemporary designs suitable for the modern June (and July/August) bride. Inspired by these, and the fact that a reader recently asked me why inEngland summer weddings were traditionally the most popular, I've also done a little digging. The obvious answer appears to be that the better chance of good weather makes for that perfect setting for that perfect day,but I was intrigued to also find an old law dating back centuries which required that Weddings must take place between 8am and 6pm so there is enough light to ensure you marry the right person. Presumably in the early days of veils and dim candlelit churches it would certainly have been difficult to recognise your partner in the darker months of the year. Anyway, whatever the reasons, let's enjoy the bright summer days whilst we have them, and seize any excuse the season brings to tackle a new cake decorating project.

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Issue Cover

Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine  |  June 2009  

Welcome to our Summer Wedding edition, with an array of contemporary designs suitable for the modern June (and July/August) bride.

Inspired by these, and the fact that a reader recently asked me why inEngland summer weddings were traditionally the most popular, I've also done a little digging. The obvious answer appears to be that the better chance of good weather makes for that perfect setting for that perfect day,but I was intrigued to also find an old law dating back centuries which required that Weddings must take place between 8am and 6pm so there is enough light to ensure you marry the right person. Presumably in the early days of veils and dim candlelit churches it would certainly have been difficult to recognise your partner in the darker months of the year.

Anyway, whatever the reasons, let's enjoy the bright summer days whilst we have them, and seize any excuse the season brings to tackle a new cake decorating project.
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The monthly magazine Cake Decoration and Sugarcraft is the go-to guide for beginners and industry professionals alike. Whether you’re baking for fun or baking for a living, this magazine is the ideal source for tips and tricks that are sure to inspire you and improve your skills.

Previously known as Cake Craft and Sugarcraft magazine, Warners, who are the proud owners, chose to change the name and give the magazine a brand new look. This gave the magazine a clearer reflection of the breadth of content in each issue - establishing it as a market leader in cake decorating.

By using fondant, buttercream, royal icing and other exciting decorations, cakes can be transformed into intricate personalised creations. Receive seasonal decoration ideas such as cute Easter fondant work, terrifying Halloween toppers and even, ambitious birthday masterpieces - Cake Decoration and Sugarcraft magazine covers all celebrations.

Make sure that every single one of your cake creations is a show stopper with Cake Decoration and Sugarcraft digital magazine

Here’s a sneak peek into your essential cake decorating guide, Cake Decoration and Sugarcraft magazine:

  • Seasonal ideas so that you’ll never struggle for celebration inspiration whether it’s Easter, Halloween or Christmas
  • Step-by-step beginner and expert tutorials
  • Essential techniques to help your cake become a show stopper
  • The latest products and tools trialled and tested by the Cake Decoration and Sugarcraft team
  • Stay up-to-date on the newest and most popular cake decorating trends from mirror glazes to unicorn cakes
  • Tips from the experts to ensure perfection with every identical cupcake
  • Competitions and giveaways to help boost your baking game 

Receberá 12 edições durante um ano Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine assinatura da revista.

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Com base em 140 Comentários de clientes
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Great read

Great for all sounds of this topic Revisto 25 abril 2022

Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine

I love this magazine Revisto 29 maio 2020

Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine

This mag is very informative and has a lot of interesting ideas Revisto 19 março 2020

Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft Magazine

I have got almost all editions from number 1 that's how good it is Revisto 07 março 2020

Really interesting

Full of great ideas Revisto 03 agosto 2019

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