What an interior designer does: A designer visualises, plans and designs spaces that become both beauti ful and functi onal. He or she balances aestheti cs with the room’s architectural structure and features to reflect the clients’ lifestyle, taste and mood. They will also take into account the practi cal elements such as electrical sockets and fixtures and how they fit into the overall scheme. An interior designer also builds and nurtures relati onships with trusted designers, arti sans and retailers who bring the whole look to fruiti on.
Before and After: SLJ Interiors transform a room for one of their clients.
When to hire one: Whilst you might have a clear idea of what you want, a trained eye and creati ve thinker allows for soluti ons that you might never have imagined. Att enti on to the finer details will transform your space into a stunning environment that reflects your personality and lifestyle.