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Computer Music Magazine April 2023 Edição anterior

425 Comentários   •  English   •   Music (Practical & Playing)
CM /interview
COSMICAT Nouf Sufyani is Saudi Arabia’s first female superstar DJ, quite an achievement in a country that only allowed women to drive in 2018.

Interview: 15 Questions… … WITH LEWIS THOMPSON
One half of DJ duo Just Kiddin’, Lewis has also partnered with David Guetta for a track that’s been streamed over 20 million times, not to mention those eight Top 10 UK singles…
Computer Music Preview PagesComputer Music Preview Pages

Computer Music

April 2023 CM /interview COSMICAT Nouf Sufyani is Saudi Arabia’s first female superstar DJ, quite an achievement in a country that only allowed women to drive in 2018. Interview: 15 Questions… … WITH LEWIS THOMPSON One half of DJ duo Just Kiddin’, Lewis has also partnered with David Guetta for a track that’s been streamed over 20 million times, not to mention those eight Top 10 UK singles…

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Unleashing the music-maker in everyone, you’ll receive the techniques and tools you will need to make excellent music now. Computer Music magazine will keep you up-to-date with the constantly advancing world of music-making. Discover the news affecting your setup, product reviews, easy step by step tutorials in every issue. Computer Music features exclusive interviews with artists across the world, from game musicians and film music composers to pop personalities, you will definitely be inspired to create your next track. 

Develop your musical interest and expertise with a subscription to Computer Music, perfect for beginners looking to find the right software and hardware as well as showing you how to use it. With handy guides and features in every issue, you’ll find all the technical questions you need answering explained in a simple way. If you want to make music using your computer an easy and enjoyable activity, Computer Music magazine is a great choice for you! 

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