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Crochet Now Magazine Issue 33 Edição anterior

212 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €7,99
NMA 2018 Specialist Interest Magazine of the Year 2018
It’s time to start getting ready for Christmas, so this month we’re bringing you a festive collection of 47 patterns to inspire you to get hooking for Christmas! Included with issue 33 is a magical Sprinkles the Unicorn crochet kit, that includes super-soft yarn in 6 colours to make your own unicorn friend, as well as a bumper Christmas crochet gift guide from our friends at Wool Couture. And don’t miss our official Peter Rabbit Movie amigurumi pattern!

Also inside:
47 Christmas patterns for you to make!
Crochet your own Sprinkles the Unicorn with your complete yarn kit!
Bumper Christmas crochet gift guide
Start a glittery Scheepjes cardigan tonight!
Festive makes for you, your family, and your home
Amazing blankets and toys to hook
Don’t miss part 7 of the Rise and Shine crochet-along
Packed with Christmas patterns, gift inspiration and more
Crochet Now Magazine Preview PagesCrochet Now Magazine Preview Pages

Crochet Now Magazine

Issue 33 NMA 2018 Specialist Interest Magazine of the Year 2018 It’s time to start getting ready for Christmas, so this month we’re bringing you a festive collection of 47 patterns to inspire you to get hooking for Christmas! Included with issue 33 is a magical Sprinkles the Unicorn crochet kit, that includes super-soft yarn in 6 colours to make your own unicorn friend, as well as a bumper Christmas crochet gift guide from our friends at Wool Couture. And don’t miss our official Peter Rabbit Movie amigurumi pattern! Also inside: 47 Christmas patterns for you to make! Crochet your own Sprinkles the Unicorn with your complete yarn kit! Bumper Christmas crochet gift guide Start a glittery Scheepjes cardigan tonight! Festive makes for you, your family, and your home Amazing blankets and toys to hook Don’t miss part 7 of the Rise and Shine crochet-along Packed with Christmas patterns, gift inspiration and more

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Edição digital única Issue 33
5,49 / edição
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Be inspired with more than 25 patterns in each issue of Crochet Now magazine perfect for improving your wardrobe and creating beautiful gifts for your friends and family. You’ll master the basics as well as learn new stitches and techniques to strengthen your skills when you dive into the tutorials and guides in Crochet Now

Keep your fingers busy and take your hobby to the next level with a subscription to Crochet Now magazine. Every month, Crochet Now will bring you challenging patterns, news updates, the latest yarn, book reviews, upcoming trends and so much more. No matter what your age or skill level, you’ll discover fantastic designs from waistcoats and flamingo cushions to Shawn The Sheep toys and unicorn blankets that you’ll love to crochet. Brimming with the basics, abbreviation guides, step-by-step tutorials, how to read a pattern and much more, you’ll be hooked on crocheting in no time. Treat yourself to a digital magazine subscription to Crochet Now, you won’t be able to put it down! 

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