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Dante Magazine DANTE Autumn 2018 Edição anterior

3 Comentários   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
The defence of the environment is nothing less than the greatest battle of our age. Does it seem preposterous to state that the fight for Mother Earth dwarfs all others? Why do we struggle for national liberation, for human emancipation, for ethnic or cultural survival, for the defence of free expression and other noble human ideals, while the Earth is dying?
We know that climate change – global warming – is a fact, yet there are some fools that still decry it as a myth. when other magazines talk about what to wear for the next season, we at Dante chose to focus on what really matters in our daily lives. In our cover piece, author Marc Forget explains why without the 3 R’s - Recycle, Reuse and Reduce - very little can be done to ensure the survival of the Earth. A more conscientious lifestyle is needed. We all have to pitch in. This explains our cover photograph. We do hope you, the reader, will appreciate it as much as we do, as it captures the essence of this Issue – which is also our Green issue.
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DANTE Autumn 2018 The defence of the environment is nothing less than the greatest battle of our age. Does it seem preposterous to state that the fight for Mother Earth dwarfs all others? Why do we struggle for national liberation, for human emancipation, for ethnic or cultural survival, for the defence of free expression and other noble human ideals, while the Earth is dying? We know that climate change – global warming – is a fact, yet there are some fools that still decry it as a myth. when other magazines talk about what to wear for the next season, we at Dante chose to focus on what really matters in our daily lives. In our cover piece, author Marc Forget explains why without the 3 R’s - Recycle, Reuse and Reduce - very little can be done to ensure the survival of the Earth. A more conscientious lifestyle is needed. We all have to pitch in. This explains our cover photograph. We do hope you, the reader, will appreciate it as much as we do, as it captures the essence of this Issue – which is also our Green issue.

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Issue Cover

Dante  |  DANTE Autumn 2018  

The defence of the environment is nothing less than the greatest battle of our age. Does it seem preposterous to state that the fight for Mother Earth dwarfs all others? Why do we struggle for national liberation, for human emancipation, for ethnic or cultural survival, for the defence of free expression and other noble human ideals, while the Earth is dying?
We know that climate change – global warming – is a fact, yet there are some fools that still decry it as a myth. when other magazines talk about what to wear for the next season, we at Dante chose to focus on what really matters in our daily lives. In our cover piece, author Marc Forget explains why without the 3 R’s - Recycle, Reuse and Reduce - very little can be done to ensure the survival of the Earth. A more conscientious lifestyle is needed. We all have to pitch in. This explains our cover photograph. We do hope you, the reader, will appreciate it as much as we do, as it captures the essence of this Issue – which is also our Green issue.
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DANTE is an international magazine covering life and style, arts, culture and more. Editorially driven, nonpartisan, and independent of any other media group or interest, DANTE is packed with features, helping you to identify trends and names of the future, and covering topics before the competition. Published every two months, each essential issue of DANTE will illuminate and inspire.

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Com base em 3 Comentários de clientes
Ver críticas

Like The Economist for people with style

Like The Economist for people with style. Good range of topics and easy to flick through - very nice! Revisto 16 março 2016

A great magazine

A great magazine – not about a poet of the past but a clever look into the future with informed predictions on just about everything. The app does it justice too. Revisto 16 março 2016

The best all life and all style mag!

As an Italian who now lives in the UK,
having Dante magazine as an app
allows me to read topics that won’t get
a look-in in other magazines.
I can also keep in touch with global trends
and names of the future.
It is really smooth and easy to get around,
with good interactive elements.
I love the consistently well written
features by respected journalists.
The app covers loads of sections from
Art, Culture, Film, Travel and more…
So I never miss out on anything!
Revisto 15 março 2016

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