Dante  |  DANTE Autumn 2018
The defence of the environment is nothing less than the greatest battle of our age. Does it seem preposterous to state that the fight for Mother Earth dwarfs all others? Why do we struggle for national liberation, for human emancipation, for ethnic or cultural survival, for the defence of free expression and other noble human ideals, while the Earth is dying?
We know that climate change – global warming – is a fact, yet there are some fools that still decry it as a myth. when other magazines talk about what to wear for the next season, we at Dante chose to focus on what really matters in our daily lives. In our cover piece, author Marc Forget explains why without the 3 R’s - Recycle, Reuse and Reduce - very little can be done to ensure the survival of the Earth. A more conscientious lifestyle is needed. We all have to pitch in. This explains our cover photograph. We do hope you, the reader, will appreciate it as much as we do, as it captures the essence of this Issue – which is also our Green issue.
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Artigos desta edição
Segue-se uma seleção de artigos em Dante DANTE Autumn 2018.