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Doctor Who Magazine 525 Edição anterior

439 Comentários   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Film)
Only €5,99
From scenes which didn't make the final cut to characters who were completely edited out... Issue 525 of Doctor Who Magazine brings you the best bits of Doctor Who you never got to see!

Doctor Who Magazine 525 also includes:

• An interview with Will Oswald, an editor on Doctor Who from 2007 to 2017

• DWM chats to Michelle Ryan about the return of her character Lady Christina de Souza

• The Time Team returns - and they've regenerated!

• Out of the TARDIS with Janet Fielding, who played 80s companion Tegan

• A look back at the ways new Doctors have been introduced to the public

• Jamie Lenman's cosplay quest to recreate the Fourth Doctor's scarf

• Part Two of The Clockwise War, a new comic strip adventure featuring the Doctor and Bill

• The Fact of Fiction delves into the 2009 Tenth Doctor story Planet of the Dead

• Previews, book and audio reviews, news, The Blogs of Doom, prize-winning competitions and much, much more!
Doctor Who Magazine Preview PagesDoctor Who Magazine Preview Pages

Doctor Who Magazine

525 From scenes which didn't make the final cut to characters who were completely edited out... Issue 525 of Doctor Who Magazine brings you the best bits of Doctor Who you never got to see! Doctor Who Magazine 525 also includes: • An interview with Will Oswald, an editor on Doctor Who from 2007 to 2017 • DWM chats to Michelle Ryan about the return of her character Lady Christina de Souza • The Time Team returns - and they've regenerated! • Out of the TARDIS with Janet Fielding, who played 80s companion Tegan • A look back at the ways new Doctors have been introduced to the public • Jamie Lenman's cosplay quest to recreate the Fourth Doctor's scarf • Part Two of The Clockwise War, a new comic strip adventure featuring the Doctor and Bill • The Fact of Fiction delves into the 2009 Tenth Doctor story Planet of the Dead • Previews, book and audio reviews, news, The Blogs of Doom, prize-winning competitions and much, much more!

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Edição digital única 525
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Esta edição e outras edições anteriores não estão incluídas numa Doctor Who Magazine inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €5,00 por edição . Se pretende subscrever, consulte o nosso Opções de assinatura
As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

Doctor Who Magazine is the official magazine of the hugely successful BBC TV drama series Doctor Who, with each issue containing exclusive news, interviews, features and photos about the show.

The go-to source for fans since 1979, Doctor Who Magazine works closely with the makers of the show to present exclusive interviews with the stars, as well revealing behind-the-scenes secrets from all eras of the show, from 1963 to the present day.

Perfect for mature and younger readers alike, a subscription to Doctor Who Magazine is the essential companion to the TV show.


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