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Edge Magazine April 2014 Edição anterior

88 Comentários   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
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Why Ubisoft postponed the next
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April 2014 EXCLUSIVE Why Ubisoft postponed the next

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Issue Cover

Edge  |  April 2014  

Why Ubisoft postponed the next
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Edge magazine is bold, intelligent, informative, brilliantly written and masterfully designed and has been ever since its launch in 1993 - Edge has been dedicated to providing top-notch video gaming content. Amongst Edge's plethora of stunning gaming content, you will find a few staple components that make up the magazine.

Firstly, you can always expect a broad array of reviews and previews. These articles are written with the reader in the mind and aim to give a thought-provoking yet insightful look at various video games. You can expect never before seen content that is only available in Edge, plus interviews with the creators themselves that really delve deep into the questions the community want to know.  In every issue, you can guarantee to receive a “making of” video game series or title which contains details on the innovative and groundbreaking features that made it so successful.

Edge magazine also writes about the deeper technical knowledge of the games and the “codeshop” features for all of those interested in the core design themselves. “Create” gives a detailed look into the production of video games and identifies the most modern technology, the greatest minds and the innovative designs that make them so brilliant.

Finally, you can expect detailed reviews that cover hardware and software from across the globe. Edge’s reviews give you a clear picture of what hardware/software you should be buying and gives you honest reviews - not just what the creators want you to believe. 


 You can expect these top features and more with Edge magazine:

  • Massive array of game previews and reviews
  • A “Making of” feature containing every issue that delves deep into how the game was created
  • Interviews with the creators themselves
  • Stunning artwork and captivating visual design
  • Code shop - full of technical knowledge and news
  • Sneak peek at what goes into creating and designing great video games
  • Detailed reviews on various pieces of software and hardware
  • A discounted cost of the magazine
  • Every issue delivered directly to your device
  • Never miss an issue

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Com base em 88 Comentários de clientes
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Great Mag

Still one of my favourite gaming mags. Have have been buying this from day one and still have my orignal (spare) unopened issue 1. Only issue was that I had too many so took the plunge to digital. Revisto 22 maio 2023


...literally the cutting edge of technology & games!! awesome publication....So gladd i found out about this publication whilst growing-up! My favourite mag! thank you. Revisto 27 fevereiro 2021


Thank you for bringing us news Revisto 01 janeiro 2021


Enjoy reading edge, came back to help understand the next gen devices and whether I want to invest in the next generation. Still as good and enjoyable as when I first purchased issue 0. Revisto 01 setembro 2020


Amazing that such a fine magazine is still being made every month! Keep up the good work! Revisto 09 agosto 2020

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