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Eye Spy Magazine 108 Edição anterior

27 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
82 SECONDS: London terror attack, NK OFFICE 225: North Korean assassins, NCSC: Internet defence of the realm, WATERGATE II? Bugging of Trump Tower, VAULT 7: CIA documents leak, ENTRAPMENT: Tradecraft, CHANGING TIMES: Females in intelligence, PAYBACK: A Dark Conspiracy, DEEP BLACK: Langley rendition, THE WORLD OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PT4, THE DECEPTIVE FACTOR PT7, INTEL DETENTE: NATO and Russia, AIR DECEPTION: Airline terrorism, ALTERNATIVE HACKING: A history, MATTER OF ASSURANCE: London operation, BOOK RELEASES, and Michael Rogers - Director NSA, Jeremy Fleming, Khalid Masood, Kim Jong-nam, Cressida Dick, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, Ibrahim al-Asiri, Martin McGuinness, Denis Voronenkov and much more....
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Eye Spy

108 82 SECONDS: London terror attack, NK OFFICE 225: North Korean assassins, NCSC: Internet defence of the realm, WATERGATE II? Bugging of Trump Tower, VAULT 7: CIA documents leak, ENTRAPMENT: Tradecraft, CHANGING TIMES: Females in intelligence, PAYBACK: A Dark Conspiracy, DEEP BLACK: Langley rendition, THE WORLD OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PT4, THE DECEPTIVE FACTOR PT7, INTEL DETENTE: NATO and Russia, AIR DECEPTION: Airline terrorism, ALTERNATIVE HACKING: A history, MATTER OF ASSURANCE: London operation, BOOK RELEASES, and Michael Rogers - Director NSA, Jeremy Fleming, Khalid Masood, Kim Jong-nam, Cressida Dick, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, Ibrahim al-Asiri, Martin McGuinness, Denis Voronenkov and much more....

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Eye Spy  |  108  

82 SECONDS: London terror attack, NK OFFICE 225: North Korean assassins, NCSC: Internet defence of the realm, WATERGATE II? Bugging of Trump Tower, VAULT 7: CIA documents leak, ENTRAPMENT: Tradecraft, CHANGING TIMES: Females in intelligence, PAYBACK: A Dark Conspiracy, DEEP BLACK: Langley rendition, THE WORLD OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PT4, THE DECEPTIVE FACTOR PT7, INTEL DETENTE: NATO and Russia, AIR DECEPTION: Airline terrorism, ALTERNATIVE HACKING: A history, MATTER OF ASSURANCE: London operation, BOOK RELEASES, and Michael Rogers - Director NSA, Jeremy Fleming, Khalid Masood, Kim Jong-nam, Cressida Dick, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, Ibrahim al-Asiri, Martin McGuinness, Denis Voronenkov and much more....
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First published in the UK, May 2001, Eye Spy Intelligence Magazine is the world’s only newsstand publication dedicated to espionage and intelligence. Described as the bridge between ‘officialdom’ and the public, Eye Spy is extremely popular with those who work in intelligence, security, defence and specialist wings of the armed forces. It is subscribed to by hundreds of official intelligence agencies, government training academies, military forces and security colleges throughout the world.

However, its non-political - visual editorial and easy-reading style ‘demystifies’ the intelligence subject, making it equally as popular with people from all walks of life.

Eye Spy provides a certain type of information that is not found in any other publication. Readers are assured they will always find something of interest, whether it’s the inside story of a lengthy government surveillance operation, an interview with a CIA polygraph examiner, MI6’s role behind the assassination of Rasputin, or the tradecraft used by those who ply their trade in the world’s second oldest profession.

Eighty-four full color interactive pages with exclusive imagery, videos and slide shows and additional content.

Eye Spy is a ‘must have’ publication for anyone interested in the role espionage and intelligence plays in current and past events.

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Com base em 27 Comentários de clientes
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Eye Spy

Can u please reinstate the issues again, you have been going for such a long time and it is a real shame the magazine has ended Revisto 10 fevereiro 2021

Eye Spy

Gives a good over view as well as many things not seen in the papers or other news outlets Revisto 23 maio 2020

Eye Spy

Always very interesting reading. I have read and studied about spys for over 25 years. Great magazine. Keep up the good work. God Bless. Gary Hollen Revisto 04 abril 2020

Delve into the Underworld of "Deep State"

Delve into the Underworld of "Deep State" - A far too sanitised account of the world of spooks, doesn't really look into anything "conspiratorial" unless it's a "conspiracy theory" of said "Western govs"... who all seem to be increasingly delving into a world all of their own making full of conspiracies but anyone doubting said conspiracy theory is a tin foil hat wearer, etc.... a line that can hardly be taken seriously, especially considering some of the far fetched stories now hitting the headlines over the last 18 years. If the mag can't delve behind into the reality, and instead is just a glossy over sensationalised account of various stories then is it an insight into anything? Revisto 02 outubro 2018

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