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FlyPast Magazine September 2015 Edição anterior

222 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €5,99
The September issue of FlyPast features a special section dedicated to the Battle of Britain, marking the 75th anniversary of the RAF’s vital triumph over the Luftwaffe. As well as providing an overview of the 1940 conflict, we take a look at two warbirds currently flying in Battle of Britain colours, including our cover star, Bristol Blenheim I L6739. The type was certainly among the unsung heroes of the day. We speak exclusively to pilot John Romain about this remarkable restoration.

Our in-depth Spotlight section focuses on the graceful Lockheed Constellation, an airliner and former military machine that is much loved to this day.

Historian Chris Goss describes how one brave RAF pilot graduated from flying Gloster Gladiator biplanes to Supermarine Spitfires in a matter of days.

The important role played by the B-52 in the Vietnam War is explored by Philip Chinnery.

Tom Spencer details the use of English Electric Canberras by the Royal Australian Air Force in Vietnam.

As it enters its final months of flight, Avro Vulcan B.2 XH558 recently completed a special ‘Salute to the V-Force’ tour around the UK.

We also visit the always memorable Flying Legends airshow at Duxford, plus a prestigious event in the Swiss Alps at which several ex-military Hawker Hunters played a starring role. Andy Thomas reflects on the history of the RAF’s 32 Squadron, while Graham Pitchfork profiles VC-winning Great War pilot Alan Jerrard. We also celebrate the return of a Fairey Swordfish to the skies, and much more.
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September 2015 The September issue of FlyPast features a special section dedicated to the Battle of Britain, marking the 75th anniversary of the RAF’s vital triumph over the Luftwaffe. As well as providing an overview of the 1940 conflict, we take a look at two warbirds currently flying in Battle of Britain colours, including our cover star, Bristol Blenheim I L6739. The type was certainly among the unsung heroes of the day. We speak exclusively to pilot John Romain about this remarkable restoration. CONSTELLATION SPOTLIGHT Our in-depth Spotlight section focuses on the graceful Lockheed Constellation, an airliner and former military machine that is much loved to this day. GLADIATORS TO SPITFIRES Historian Chris Goss describes how one brave RAF pilot graduated from flying Gloster Gladiator biplanes to Supermarine Spitfires in a matter of days. STRATOFORTRESS The important role played by the B-52 in the Vietnam War is explored by Philip Chinnery. LOW LEVEL CANBERRAS Tom Spencer details the use of English Electric Canberras by the Royal Australian Air Force in Vietnam. VULCAN TOUR As it enters its final months of flight, Avro Vulcan B.2 XH558 recently completed a special ‘Salute to the V-Force’ tour around the UK. We also visit the always memorable Flying Legends airshow at Duxford, plus a prestigious event in the Swiss Alps at which several ex-military Hawker Hunters played a starring role. Andy Thomas reflects on the history of the RAF’s 32 Squadron, while Graham Pitchfork profiles VC-winning Great War pilot Alan Jerrard. We also celebrate the return of a Fairey Swordfish to the skies, and much more.

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FlyPast issue September 2015

FlyPast  |  September 2015  

The September issue of FlyPast features a special section dedicated to the Battle of Britain, marking the 75th anniversary of the RAF’s vital triumph over the Luftwaffe. As well as providing an overview of the 1940 conflict, we take a look at two warbirds currently flying in Battle of Britain colours, including our cover star, Bristol Blenheim I L6739. The type was certainly among the unsung heroes of the day. We speak exclusively to pilot John Romain about this remarkable restoration.

Our in-depth Spotlight section focuses on the graceful Lockheed Constellation, an airliner and former military machine that is much loved to this day.

Historian Chris Goss describes how one brave RAF pilot graduated from flying Gloster Gladiator biplanes to Supermarine Spitfires in a matter of days.

The important role played by the B-52 in the Vietnam War is explored by Philip Chinnery.

Tom Spencer details the use of English Electric Canberras by the Royal Australian Air Force in Vietnam.

As it enters its final months of flight, Avro Vulcan B.2 XH558 recently completed a special ‘Salute to the V-Force’ tour around the UK.

We also visit the always memorable Flying Legends airshow at Duxford, plus a prestigious event in the Swiss Alps at which several ex-military Hawker Hunters played a starring role. Andy Thomas reflects on the history of the RAF’s 32 Squadron, while Graham Pitchfork profiles VC-winning Great War pilot Alan Jerrard. We also celebrate the return of a Fairey Swordfish to the skies, and much more.
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Com base em 222 Comentários de clientes
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Digital subscription for Flypast magazine

I have purchased the Flypast magazine for many years and generally as a hard copy. However, for the last couple of years l have subscribed annually to the digital version and now read on my iPad.
The magazine is great and I always find the content interesting and varied and never bored with the topics covered. Whilst previously enjoying the hard copy l am now a devoted digital subscriber and would recommend this version. On the downside you miss out on add ons such as calendars etc.
Revisto 24 novembro 2021


Read it for decades ! Revisto 21 janeiro 2021


I have been an avid reader since the early 80's and you are still the best Revisto 07 janeiro 2021


best European aviation news, but not on US developments Revisto 14 dezembro 2020


More letters would be good if you get enough of them Revisto 15 novembro 2020

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