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Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine March 2019 Edição anterior

108 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
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In issue 281 of Furniture & Cabinetmaking we have lots for you to enjoy. In our Projects & Techniques section, David Barron makes a Krenov-style hand plane; and Derek Jones tests out Walke Moore Tools’ long-awaited router plane and Festool’s head and spindle rebate cutter.

In Design & Inspiration, John Adamson’s tool collecting series continues with a history of dividers; and we have an extract from John Brown’s classic book Welsh Stick Chairs. This month’s Under the Hammer showcases items from Bonhams’ Fine Asian Works of Art sale; Out & About heads to St Fagans National Museum of History near Cardiff; and we re-visit David Gregson’s curvaceous expanding dining table in An Airbrush with the Past.

As well as all this, we also have the latest News & Events; the newest Kit & Tools on the market; a guide to the best block planes; and a social media round-up.

All this and more in issue 281 of Furniture & Cabinetmaking!
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Furniture & Cabinetmaking

March 2019 In issue 281 of Furniture & Cabinetmaking we have lots for you to enjoy. In our Projects & Techniques section, David Barron makes a Krenov-style hand plane; and Derek Jones tests out Walke Moore Tools’ long-awaited router plane and Festool’s head and spindle rebate cutter. In Design & Inspiration, John Adamson’s tool collecting series continues with a history of dividers; and we have an extract from John Brown’s classic book Welsh Stick Chairs. This month’s Under the Hammer showcases items from Bonhams’ Fine Asian Works of Art sale; Out & About heads to St Fagans National Museum of History near Cardiff; and we re-visit David Gregson’s curvaceous expanding dining table in An Airbrush with the Past. As well as all this, we also have the latest News & Events; the newest Kit & Tools on the market; a guide to the best block planes; and a social media round-up. All this and more in issue 281 of Furniture & Cabinetmaking!

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Issue Cover

Furniture & Cabinetmaking  |  March 2019  

In issue 281 of Furniture & Cabinetmaking we have lots for you to enjoy. In our Projects & Techniques section, David Barron makes a Krenov-style hand plane; and Derek Jones tests out Walke Moore Tools’ long-awaited router plane and Festool’s head and spindle rebate cutter.

In Design & Inspiration, John Adamson’s tool collecting series continues with a history of dividers; and we have an extract from John Brown’s classic book Welsh Stick Chairs. This month’s Under the Hammer showcases items from Bonhams’ Fine Asian Works of Art sale; Out & About heads to St Fagans National Museum of History near Cardiff; and we re-visit David Gregson’s curvaceous expanding dining table in An Airbrush with the Past.

As well as all this, we also have the latest News & Events; the newest Kit & Tools on the market; a guide to the best block planes; and a social media round-up.

All this and more in issue 281 of Furniture & Cabinetmaking!
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Furniture & Cabinet Making is the UK’s only magazine dedicated to the finer aspects of contemporary and classic woodwork. With an emphasis on quality, the magazine aims to promote excellence in furniture making by showcasing modern and classic furniture design and the associated techniques. Topical features, reports of major shows, plus important industry news and reliable reviews of machine tools and hand tools complete the mix of content that makes F&C an essential read for the furniture maker.

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Com base em 108 Comentários de clientes
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Furniture & Cabinetmaking

Top quality information. Have gotten a subscription and going through back issues and picking things here and there, loving it!! Thank you so much. Revisto 05 agosto 2020

Furniture & Cabinetmaking

Wish I could get paper copies of this magazine in the US! EXCELLENT EXCELLENT quality magazine!!
Keep up the great work!
Revisto 25 junho 2020

Furniture & Cabinetmaking

I am a retired geologist but have build furniture my entire life and I fine every issue useful. Revisto 22 fevereiro 2020

Always a good read

Up-to-date designs Revisto 26 julho 2019

Best of it's kind

Highly professional Revisto 26 julho 2019

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