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hi-fi+ Global Network Magazine hi-fi+ ISSUE 225 Edição anterior

443 Comentários   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Hi-Fi)
Only €4,99
5 Incoming! Your views on all things audio

86 Meet Your Maker Special Franc Kuzma’s new listening room

9 English Acoustics Stereo 41c tube power amplifier
17 dCS Lina streaming DAC, clock, headphone amplifier
27 Metronome AQWO 2 CD/SACD player/DAC/streamer
37 AURALiC ARIES G2.2 streamer
43 B.Audio B.amp mono mono power amplifiers
50 Larsen Model 9 floorstanding loudspeaker
55 Perlisten S4b, D12s, SSLR-HGB stand-mount loudspeaker, active subwoofer, stands
61 Ansuz Mainz8 D3 power distributor
67 Final ZE8000 in-ear monitors
71 VPI Goldy moving coil cartridge
73 Tellurium Q Statement II cable system
79 Synergistic Research PowerCell SX power conditioner
83 Chord Company Signature Super ARAY USB cable

94 A Beginner’s Guide to... Hip-Hop Part 2
Hip-Hop goes West, and the East Coast isn’t happy about it. The 1990s and the rise of Gangsta Rap.
102 Pete Molinari The best British singer-songwriter you’ve never heard of talks about his sixth album, Wondrous Afternoon.
108 Emma Anderson The co-founder of shoegaze-turned-Britpop band Lush talks about her latest album, Pearlies.
117 Music Reviews Contemporary, classical and audiophile music

114 Subscriptions Subscribe and save!
125 CD Salisbury Christmas: while stocks last!
127 Advertiser index
128 Next Issue Our Awards issue is coming soon!
hi-fi+ Global Network Preview Pageshi-fi+ Global Network Preview Pages

hi-fi+ Global Network

hi-fi+ ISSUE 225 COMMENT 5 Incoming! Your views on all things audio FEATURES 86 Meet Your Maker Special Franc Kuzma’s new listening room EQUIPMENT REVIEWS 9 English Acoustics Stereo 41c tube power amplifier 17 dCS Lina streaming DAC, clock, headphone amplifier 27 Metronome AQWO 2 CD/SACD player/DAC/streamer 37 AURALiC ARIES G2.2 streamer 43 B.Audio B.amp mono mono power amplifiers 50 Larsen Model 9 floorstanding loudspeaker 55 Perlisten S4b, D12s, SSLR-HGB stand-mount loudspeaker, active subwoofer, stands 61 Ansuz Mainz8 D3 power distributor 67 Final ZE8000 in-ear monitors 71 VPI Goldy moving coil cartridge 73 Tellurium Q Statement II cable system 79 Synergistic Research PowerCell SX power conditioner 83 Chord Company Signature Super ARAY USB cable MUSIC 94 A Beginner’s Guide to... Hip-Hop Part 2 Hip-Hop goes West, and the East Coast isn’t happy about it. The 1990s and the rise of Gangsta Rap. 102 Pete Molinari The best British singer-songwriter you’ve never heard of talks about his sixth album, Wondrous Afternoon. 108 Emma Anderson The co-founder of shoegaze-turned-Britpop band Lush talks about her latest album, Pearlies. 117 Music Reviews Contemporary, classical and audiophile music PLUS 114 Subscriptions Subscribe and save! 125 CD Salisbury Christmas: while stocks last! 127 Advertiser index 128 Next Issue Our Awards issue is coming soon!

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Com base em 443 Comentários de clientes
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Really interesting

Very good magazine for all those fans of hi-fi information and news Revisto 09 abril 2022


Well, over the (many) years as an Audiophile, I have read (many) Audiophile magazines...My first impressions of Hi-Fi+ came from reading a printed issue (unfortunately, landed to someone who should have sent it back to me but didn't), but that issue whetted my appetite, so I paid for the digital edition. Great reviews, of important products, well-written....very satisfied. Will re-activate my subscription when it expires (in two month's time). Thanks a lot! Revisto 17 janeiro 2021


Excellent magazine, well written articles, technically accurate, informative and entertaining. Revisto 17 janeiro 2021


Love the magazine for its well written reviews of equipment and music. Revisto 28 setembro 2020


always excellent Revisto 02 setembro 2020
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