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BBC History Revealed Magazine January 2018 Edição anterior

11 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Imagine, if you can, a mystery bug appearing out of
nowhere – one with no cure or treatment and that kills
nearly everyone infected in just a matter of days. !en
consider one-in-three people in Britain being struck
down by it over the course of two years. Unthinkable,
isn’t it? And yet that’s exactly what happened halfway
through the 14th century. Where did this killer plague,
Black Death, come from? How did it spread? And what was it like to live
through these unutterable days? We reveal all from page 28.
But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom to see in the new year,
as we celebrate some of history’s greatest pioneers this issue, from the
extraordinary salvagers of Henry VIII’s favourite ship, the Mary Rose (p46",
to those magnificent men who took their flying machines into the skies
(p56", to the remarkable women whose mathematical genius allowed the
US to send men to the Moon (p69".
We’ve also given the magazine a bit of a spring clean, taking all your
comments on board, and introduced a few new regular features. I hope you
like what we’ve done – do write in and let us know. Happy new Year!
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BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages BBC History Revealed Magazine Preview Pages

BBC History Revealed Magazine

January 2018 Imagine, if you can, a mystery bug appearing out of nowhere – one with no cure or treatment and that kills nearly everyone infected in just a matter of days. !en consider one-in-three people in Britain being struck down by it over the course of two years. Unthinkable, isn’t it? And yet that’s exactly what happened halfway through the 14th century. Where did this killer plague, Black Death, come from? How did it spread? And what was it like to live through these unutterable days? We reveal all from page 28. But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom to see in the new year, as we celebrate some of history’s greatest pioneers this issue, from the extraordinary salvagers of Henry VIII’s favourite ship, the Mary Rose (p46", to those magnificent men who took their flying machines into the skies (p56", to the remarkable women whose mathematical genius allowed the US to send men to the Moon (p69". We’ve also given the magazine a bit of a spring clean, taking all your comments on board, and introduced a few new regular features. I hope you like what we’ve done – do write in and let us know. Happy new Year!

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Issue Cover

BBC History Revealed Magazine  |  January 2018  

Imagine, if you can, a mystery bug appearing out of
nowhere – one with no cure or treatment and that kills
nearly everyone infected in just a matter of days. !en
consider one-in-three people in Britain being struck
down by it over the course of two years. Unthinkable,
isn’t it? And yet that’s exactly what happened halfway
through the 14th century. Where did this killer plague,
Black Death, come from? How did it spread? And what was it like to live
through these unutterable days? We reveal all from page 28.
But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom to see in the new year,
as we celebrate some of history’s greatest pioneers this issue, from the
extraordinary salvagers of Henry VIII’s favourite ship, the Mary Rose (p46",
to those magnificent men who took their flying machines into the skies
(p56", to the remarkable women whose mathematical genius allowed the
US to send men to the Moon (p69".
We’ve also given the magazine a bit of a spring clean, taking all your
comments on board, and introduced a few new regular features. I hope you
like what we’ve done – do write in and let us know. Happy new Year!
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BBC History Revealed brings the past to life for everyone. It’s an action-packed, image-rich magazine with zero stuffiness. Each issue has a central section that takes a closer look at one of history’s big stories, such as the Wild West or Ancient Rome, telling everything you need to know.

We also explore the lives of the truly famous, follow the great adventures of the past, taste the blood and thunder of battles, and look at how closely Hollywood blockbusters have told history. Plus, we answer questions about some of the more surprising and strange aspects of the past.

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Com base em 11 Comentários de clientes
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Great Magazine!

I've only needed to read this issue to buy a subscription to this wonderful magazine. History told on the best ever way. Revisto 05 abril 2020

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