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International Construction Magazine April 2013 Edição anterior

2 Comentários   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
Witness tells Canadian corruption enquiry that SNC Lavalin donated US$ 980 million to Quebec political parties.

Costain and May Gurney announce plans to merge in an all-share deal will see the creation of a UK£ 1.6 billion per year contractor.

Buoyancy in the US but a slip for some of the Chinese meant revenues for the world’s 50 largest equipment manufacturers grew just +2.6% last year to US$ 186 billion, according to this year’s Yellow Table study.

Free new tablet computer edition of iC features videos, podcast and image.

The Indian construction market is emerging from a period of weak growth, but it will still be another year or so until it is back to the levels we have come to expect.

How much can be achieved in the Indian construction sector before the forthcoming general election causes another hiatus?

Late breaking news from manufacturers in the run-up to the largest construction equipment show in the world

Innovative new equipment that has been tailor-made to reduce costs and speed up installation is being developed for the utilities sector.

A handful of manufacturers will showcase new Tier 4 Final-compliant earthmoving machines at Bauma, but the rest of the industry will follow.

News of a new Sennebogen heavy duty crane launch, plus the opening of Volvo’s new Americas headquarters


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International Construction

April 2013 NEWS Witness tells Canadian corruption enquiry that SNC Lavalin donated US$ 980 million to Quebec political parties. BUSINESS NEWS Costain and May Gurney announce plans to merge in an all-share deal will see the creation of a UK£ 1.6 billion per year contractor. NEWS REPORT Buoyancy in the US but a slip for some of the Chinese meant revenues for the world’s 50 largest equipment manufacturers grew just +2.6% last year to US$ 186 billion, according to this year’s Yellow Table study. KHL.COM Free new tablet computer edition of iC features videos, podcast and image. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK The Indian construction market is emerging from a period of weak growth, but it will still be another year or so until it is back to the levels we have come to expect. REGIONAL REPORT How much can be achieved in the Indian construction sector before the forthcoming general election causes another hiatus? BAUMA STOP PRESS Late breaking news from manufacturers in the run-up to the largest construction equipment show in the world UTILITIES Innovative new equipment that has been tailor-made to reduce costs and speed up installation is being developed for the utilities sector. EARTHMOVING A handful of manufacturers will showcase new Tier 4 Final-compliant earthmoving machines at Bauma, but the rest of the industry will follow. EQUIPMENT News of a new Sennebogen heavy duty crane launch, plus the opening of Volvo’s new Americas headquarters SUBSCRIPTIONS CLASSIFIED

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International Construction issue April 2013

International Construction  |  April 2013  

Witness tells Canadian corruption enquiry that SNC Lavalin donated US$ 980 million to Quebec political parties.

Costain and May Gurney announce plans to merge in an all-share deal will see the creation of a UK£ 1.6 billion per year contractor.

Buoyancy in the US but a slip for some of the Chinese meant revenues for the world’s 50 largest equipment manufacturers grew just +2.6% last year to US$ 186 billion, according to this year’s Yellow Table study.

Free new tablet computer edition of iC features videos, podcast and image.

The Indian construction market is emerging from a period of weak growth, but it will still be another year or so until it is back to the levels we have come to expect.

How much can be achieved in the Indian construction sector before the forthcoming general election causes another hiatus?

Late breaking news from manufacturers in the run-up to the largest construction equipment show in the world

Innovative new equipment that has been tailor-made to reduce costs and speed up installation is being developed for the utilities sector.

A handful of manufacturers will showcase new Tier 4 Final-compliant earthmoving machines at Bauma, but the rest of the industry will follow.

News of a new Sennebogen heavy duty crane launch, plus the opening of Volvo’s new Americas headquarters


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