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iPad and iPhone User Magazine 50 HOT iPAD GAMES Masterclass Edição especial

31 Comentários   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Apple)
50 hot iPad games you need to download.

iPad gamers, rejoice..... From brand-new hits (Angry Birds Space) to timeless classics (Mirror's Edge); from blockbusters like Infinity Blade II to weird gems like Osmos. We've gathered together the 50 greatest, coolest, most fun and innovative games for the iPad. Read our reviews, download the games, then get no work done ever again.

We've cherry-picked the highlights of our monthly expert games reviews to produce the definitive list: the apps that no iPad gamer should be without.
iPad and iPhone User Preview PagesiPad and iPhone User Preview Pages

iPad and iPhone User

50 HOT iPAD GAMES Masterclass 50 hot iPad games you need to download. iPad gamers, rejoice..... From brand-new hits (Angry Birds Space) to timeless classics (Mirror's Edge); from blockbusters like Infinity Blade II to weird gems like Osmos. We've gathered together the 50 greatest, coolest, most fun and innovative games for the iPad. Read our reviews, download the games, then get no work done ever again. We've cherry-picked the highlights of our monthly expert games reviews to produce the definitive list: the apps that no iPad gamer should be without.

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Com base em 31 Comentários de clientes
Ver críticas

Great for ipad and iphone users

Read the latest issue and this is a great mag for ipad and iphone users with good articles and lots to learn Revisto 12 agosto 2020

iPad and iPhone User

Excellent magazine covering all things iPad and iPhone
Revisto 21 maio 2020

Works on my old iPhone 3G wow

Great App I have only got the free mag but I will be buying them will it work in Spain Revisto 24 novembro 2012

App Videos.. nice touch

I've just got the latest issue (100 AMAZING TIPS & TRICKS) of this great mag and I love the NEW App Videos.. hope theres more to come. I did however experience a small problem after the latest update.. lost the videos; however I simply deleted the issue from my library and re-downloaded at NO additional cost and all works fine now. The app has great hints and FAQ's which is a real help. Revisto 24 novembro 2012

Very informative and fun. Revisto 28 julho 2012
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