Jaguar Enthusiast  |  Vol 29 No.12 60’s S-type under the spotlight
December again, the end of another
year and on behalf of everyone
at the Club, we wish every
member and all their families
and friends, the very best of Christmas.
Enjoy, and have a good New Year.
The big news
After the successful trial of increasing the size
of Jaguar Enthusiast from 132 pages to 140, I
am pleased to report that we have decided to
maintain this enlarged magazine at the new
pagination from now on. Due to a change
in paper stock supplier and careful review of
other costs, the increased number of pages has
not added a burden to the Club’s fi nances.
The increased size enables me to not only
display articles better but to help relieve some of
the backlog of material received from members
and other contributors. Such is the degree of
response from our membership that there has
always been a level of material held over each
month and, hopefully over the coming months,
a lot of this will now be finally published.
ler mais
ler menos
Como subscritor, receberá as seguintes vantagens
• Um desconto no PVP da sua revista
• A sua revista entregue no seu dispositivo todos os meses
• Nunca perderá uma edição
• Está protegido contra aumentos de preços que possam ocorrer no final do ano
Receberá 12 edições durante um ano Jaguar Enthusiast assinatura da revista.
Nota: As edições digitais não incluem os artigos de capa ou os suplementos que se encontram nos exemplares impressos.
Artigos desta edição
Segue-se uma seleção de artigos em Jaguar Enthusiast Vol 29 No.12 60’s S-type under the spotlight.