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Make It Today Magazine No.36 Edição anterior

1 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (DIY)
Crochet is the hottest trend in the craft world right now and issue 36 of Make It Today is bursting at the seams with gorgeous projects to craft and cuddle. Plus, get started straight away with your free eight-ball yarn kit complete with hooks. Kids and adults alike will simply adore Stripes the unicorn and our guinea pig family is simply irresistible. There’s plenty more projects to practise your technique such as a our ballerina duo, darling dachshunds and nifty mug warmers for the colder months ahead. What’s more, we quiz several crochet stars including designers and bloggers for their inspiration and top tips to achieving fabulous results.
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Make It Today

No.36 Crochet is the hottest trend in the craft world right now and issue 36 of Make It Today is bursting at the seams with gorgeous projects to craft and cuddle. Plus, get started straight away with your free eight-ball yarn kit complete with hooks. Kids and adults alike will simply adore Stripes the unicorn and our guinea pig family is simply irresistible. There’s plenty more projects to practise your technique such as a our ballerina duo, darling dachshunds and nifty mug warmers for the colder months ahead. What’s more, we quiz several crochet stars including designers and bloggers for their inspiration and top tips to achieving fabulous results.

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