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Making Jewellery Magazine Birds (Magpie) Edição especial

13 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
By: Sophie Robertson
This book features 20 fabulous jewellery and accessory projects to make, all inspired by birds. Projects include different types of jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, cufflnks, tie-pins and headpieces, as well as hair accessories. Sophie Robertson guides the reader through a variety of techniques, ranging from decoupage to resin casts, and provides practical information on tools and materials, as well as useful tips and problem-solving advives. The projects are easy to follow and are outlined with step-by-step illustrations. Styled shots of the finished projects are shown throughout the book.
Making Jewellery Preview PagesMaking Jewellery Preview Pages

Making Jewellery

Birds (Magpie) By: Sophie Robertson This book features 20 fabulous jewellery and accessory projects to make, all inspired by birds. Projects include different types of jewellery, including necklaces, bracelets, cufflnks, tie-pins and headpieces, as well as hair accessories. Sophie Robertson guides the reader through a variety of techniques, ranging from decoupage to resin casts, and provides practical information on tools and materials, as well as useful tips and problem-solving advives. The projects are easy to follow and are outlined with step-by-step illustrations. Styled shots of the finished projects are shown throughout the book.

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Edição especial digital Birds (Magpie)
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Com base em 13 Comentários de clientes
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Making Jewellery

Great projects
Revisto 26 março 2020

Great magazine

I'm really enjoyed this issue. It was so good that I've purchased a subscription to this magazine. Revisto 09 março 2017

good magazine app

I like this app;but the free issue I got took forever to download. Other than that, just like the newsstand issues. I wish the single issues were a little cheaper.I realize this magazine cost more on newstands because it is an import,but digital??? Love the contents~and the pictures show up wonderfully. Revisto 24 novembro 2012
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