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MG Enthusiast Magazine MG Enthusiast September 2013 Edição anterior

68 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
It seems as though the MG3 has been dominating my editorial column of late, but that is hardly surprising given that it is such a make-or-break model for the marque in the UK. And this month there has been excellent news on the financial front, with MG Motor releasing very tempting prices for the new supermini. Turn to p6 for the facts and figures. However, there is another story that has
been occupying my mind this month, and that one is rooted way back in the 1960s. Regular
readers will have seen the story last month of Kevin Martin and the PA he has taken over from his mother. That car has a few cosmetic issues here and there, but it also has such a lovely patina that it would be a crying shame to restore it and wash all of that history away. This month we return to the same car, but in the 1960s when Gillian Martin first bought it. She and husband Peter took the PA on an incredible adventure to the Lebanon to work in the Middle East, later driving it all the way back to the UK across Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and many more exotic places. Just
reading about their adventure (p60) fills me with admiration, and explains why I say it would be a crime to restore out the patina. As well as being a fascinating story in its own right, it also brings home the fact that people such as Peter and Gillian thought nothing of such an adventure driving a car which would make most of us today think twice before tackling any trip of more than an hour or two. You do have to wonder which have changed more over the intervening five decades – the cars or the drivers! And that makes Iain Ayre’s essay on preparing his MGB for a 1000 mile trip around the mountains of British Columbia most timely. Turn to p34 for that, and whatever your particular preference in terms of MG era and use, I do hope you enjoy the issue.
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MG Enthusiast

MG Enthusiast September 2013 It seems as though the MG3 has been dominating my editorial column of late, but that is hardly surprising given that it is such a make-or-break model for the marque in the UK. And this month there has been excellent news on the financial front, with MG Motor releasing very tempting prices for the new supermini. Turn to p6 for the facts and figures. However, there is another story that has been occupying my mind this month, and that one is rooted way back in the 1960s. Regular readers will have seen the story last month of Kevin Martin and the PA he has taken over from his mother. That car has a few cosmetic issues here and there, but it also has such a lovely patina that it would be a crying shame to restore it and wash all of that history away. This month we return to the same car, but in the 1960s when Gillian Martin first bought it. She and husband Peter took the PA on an incredible adventure to the Lebanon to work in the Middle East, later driving it all the way back to the UK across Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and many more exotic places. Just reading about their adventure (p60) fills me with admiration, and explains why I say it would be a crime to restore out the patina. As well as being a fascinating story in its own right, it also brings home the fact that people such as Peter and Gillian thought nothing of such an adventure driving a car which would make most of us today think twice before tackling any trip of more than an hour or two. You do have to wonder which have changed more over the intervening five decades – the cars or the drivers! And that makes Iain Ayre’s essay on preparing his MGB for a 1000 mile trip around the mountains of British Columbia most timely. Turn to p34 for that, and whatever your particular preference in terms of MG era and use, I do hope you enjoy the issue.

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MG Enthusiast issue MG Enthusiast September 2013

MG Enthusiast  |  MG Enthusiast September 2013  

It seems as though the MG3 has been dominating my editorial column of late, but that is hardly surprising given that it is such a make-or-break model for the marque in the UK. And this month there has been excellent news on the financial front, with MG Motor releasing very tempting prices for the new supermini. Turn to p6 for the facts and figures. However, there is another story that has
been occupying my mind this month, and that one is rooted way back in the 1960s. Regular
readers will have seen the story last month of Kevin Martin and the PA he has taken over from his mother. That car has a few cosmetic issues here and there, but it also has such a lovely patina that it would be a crying shame to restore it and wash all of that history away. This month we return to the same car, but in the 1960s when Gillian Martin first bought it. She and husband Peter took the PA on an incredible adventure to the Lebanon to work in the Middle East, later driving it all the way back to the UK across Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and many more exotic places. Just
reading about their adventure (p60) fills me with admiration, and explains why I say it would be a crime to restore out the patina. As well as being a fascinating story in its own right, it also brings home the fact that people such as Peter and Gillian thought nothing of such an adventure driving a car which would make most of us today think twice before tackling any trip of more than an hour or two. You do have to wonder which have changed more over the intervening five decades – the cars or the drivers! And that makes Iain Ayre’s essay on preparing his MGB for a 1000 mile trip around the mountains of British Columbia most timely. Turn to p34 for that, and whatever your particular preference in terms of MG era and use, I do hope you enjoy the issue.
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MG Enthusiast, the world's best-selling MG magazine, is the long-established make-specific publication dedicated to all MGs, covering all examples from the earliest 14/40s, through the T-Types to the more familiar shapes, including the Midget and the ubiquitous MGB; and not forgetting the more contemporary mid-engined MGF and the ZR/ZS/ZT saloons and hatchbacks.

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Com base em 68 Comentários de clientes
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Best MG magazine on the market Revisto 26 janeiro 2023

MG Enthusiast

I always look forward to MG Enthusiast arriving at my home. Love the magazine. Thank you all. Revisto 11 setembro 2020

MG Enthusiast

I look forward to receiving my copy each month when it arrives in my post box, however since covid19 & no flights from the UK, I haven't seen a copy for months now.
I am happy to be able to read the online version but do prefer the hard back copy which I collect !
Revisto 04 setembro 2020

Love MG Enthusiast. My favorite marque specific magazine of all time. Revisto 03 julho 2012

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