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Model Engineer & Workshop Magazine December 2024 Edição anterior

306 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (DIY)
Only €5,99
Welcome to the December 2024 issue of Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine!

Inside this issue includes: Stewart Hart has designed a heavy duty combination bolt that can be used to help keep your workshop or
shed secure, Chris Gardiner shares his approach
to measuring lathe speed, using a selection of off-the-shelf parts, This month we have a tremendous selection of readers’ for sale and wanted adverts, is it time for you to grab a bargain? And much more!

Model Engineer & Workshop Magazine Preview PagesModel Engineer & Workshop Magazine Preview Pages

Model Engineer & Workshop Magazine

December 2024 Welcome to the December 2024 issue of Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine! Inside this issue includes: Stewart Hart has designed a heavy duty combination bolt that can be used to help keep your workshop or shed secure, Chris Gardiner shares his approach to measuring lathe speed, using a selection of off-the-shelf parts, This month we have a tremendous selection of readers’ for sale and wanted adverts, is it time for you to grab a bargain? And much more!

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Edição digital única December 2024
5,99 / issue
Esta edição e outras edições anteriores não estão incluídas numa Model Engineer & Workshop Magazine inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €3,83 por edição no Subscription & Back Issue Sale - Scale Modelling offer. . Se pretende subscrever, consulte o nosso Opções de assinatura
As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

Com base em 306 Comentários de clientes
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Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Great projects and articles Revisto 10 dezembro 2021

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Always something to learn, even from projects I will never make. Revisto 12 novembro 2021

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Lots of excellent projects to build. Revisto 15 janeiro 2021

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Giving it a 5 leaves no room for improvement Revisto 19 agosto 2020

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

I have read model enginers Workshop sinse it came out head not as good now but still look forword to the read Revisto 01 maio 2020
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