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Motorcycle Sport & Leisure Magazine One Man on a Bike Edição especial

84 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
Only €5,99
Take one self-deprecating idiot with a sense of adventure and a sense of humour but no sense of direction, add a vindictive GPS, and you have One Man on a Bike. This book is a record of author Richard Georgiou’s month-long solo trip from England to Greece and back on his motorbike. With his incredible propensity for disaster, he bumbles through Europe in his own special style attempting to absorb his surroundings while keeping his inner Mr Angry at bay. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he really doesn’t. Follow Richard through his 6000-mile, little boy’s adventure. You might be laughing with him or (more likely) at him, but by the end of the book you’ll understand a little more about what it’s like being someone who struggles to reach the dizzy heights of average.
Motorcycle Sport & Leisure Preview PagesMotorcycle Sport & Leisure Preview Pages

Motorcycle Sport & Leisure

One Man on a Bike Take one self-deprecating idiot with a sense of adventure and a sense of humour but no sense of direction, add a vindictive GPS, and you have One Man on a Bike. This book is a record of author Richard Georgiou’s month-long solo trip from England to Greece and back on his motorbike. With his incredible propensity for disaster, he bumbles through Europe in his own special style attempting to absorb his surroundings while keeping his inner Mr Angry at bay. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he really doesn’t. Follow Richard through his 6000-mile, little boy’s adventure. You might be laughing with him or (more likely) at him, but by the end of the book you’ll understand a little more about what it’s like being someone who struggles to reach the dizzy heights of average.

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Edição especial digital One Man on a Bike
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Com base em 84 Comentários de clientes
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Quality Motorcycle Mag

Quality Motorcycle Mag great price, lots of gear reviews, mechanical advise, articles, etc Revisto 21 agosto 2022

Great for the Motorcycle Fanatic

Great for the Motorcycle Fanatic, great for the Motorcycle Tourer, with lots of ideas, and great articles. Revisto 07 julho 2019

Great Magazine

Love this magazine, it covers everything I need and easy to reference without stacks of mags Revisto 07 janeiro 2016

Great Magazine

Great magazine guys, I've been a subscriber for years, now I can carry all the latest issues around with me in my pocket and the wife doesn't have a go at me for leaving copies all over the bathroom. keep up the good work. Revisto 24 novembro 2012
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