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Multihull World Magazine Multihull World #136 Edição anterior

20 Comentários   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Sailing & Shipping)
The latest issue of Australian Multihull World features :
• The Outremer 45 - a cruiser with cachet
• The launch of the new Lagoon 42 at Dusseldorf
- Making the right choice in a powercat
• The Leopard Evolution continues with the Leopard 40
• Racing from Dunk Island, Pittwater, and Moreton Bay
• Pre-owned boat reviews
• Multihull friendly marina guide to the East Coast of Australia
Cruising, Designs and much more ...
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Multihull World

Multihull World #136 The latest issue of Australian Multihull World features : • The Outremer 45 - a cruiser with cachet • The launch of the new Lagoon 42 at Dusseldorf - Making the right choice in a powercat • The Leopard Evolution continues with the Leopard 40 • Racing from Dunk Island, Pittwater, and Moreton Bay • Pre-owned boat reviews NEW FEATURE : • Multihull friendly marina guide to the East Coast of Australia FAVOURITES : Cruising, Designs and much more ...

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Issue Cover

Multihull World  |  Multihull World #136  

The latest issue of Australian Multihull World features :
• The Outremer 45 - a cruiser with cachet
• The launch of the new Lagoon 42 at Dusseldorf
- Making the right choice in a powercat
• The Leopard Evolution continues with the Leopard 40
• Racing from Dunk Island, Pittwater, and Moreton Bay
• Pre-owned boat reviews
• Multihull friendly marina guide to the East Coast of Australia
Cruising, Designs and much more ...
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Multihull World is an Australian-based specialist publication devoted exclusively to multihull enthusiasts - catamarans and trimarans, offshore, off-the-beach, power, racing and cruising. It is published 6 times a year and is one of a very limited number of magazines worldwide catering entirely to multihulls. It remains the only publication in the Australasian region specialising in this exciting market and that has survived the test of time.

Published in its current format since 1986, the magazine's success has increased with the rapid growth in popularity of multihull activity worldwide and particularly in Australia. The magazine ranges from 120 to 196 pages per issue with interest from both the professional sailor/builder and amateur alike. Whether it is racing, cruising, design or construction, you will read about it in Multihull World.

Distributed nationally by Gordon & Gotch and retailing for A$8.80 per copy, Multihull World has a current print run of 10,500 copies with some 1,500 of these being local and overseas subscribers and also 500 copies are distributed directly into New Zealand by Gordon & Gotch.

Our subscription list is continually growing thus our print run is always on the increase and we can anticipate a distribution of 15,000 by the end of 2010. Over a dozen regular writers and/or contributors are continually providing articles for Multihull World, most of whom are ardent sailors/owners, builders/designers and technical advisers, thus giving the reader a diversity of opinions.

Multihull World has risen the profile of the Multihull Industry by incorporating in this issue a Power Catamaran's section built and designed throughout the Australasian region.

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Receberá 6 edições durante um ano Multihull World assinatura da revista.

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Com base em 20 Comentários de clientes
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Multihulled Enthusiast Mag

Multihulled Enthusiast Mag good reading for Multihulled boat enthusiasts Revisto 25 fevereiro 2021

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