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OM Yoga Magazine May 2021 Edição anterior

41 Comentários   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Women's Fitness)
Welcome, wonderful people! This is our
May issue and we want to get you ready for a happy, fun-filled month full of sunshine, warmth and all lovely things.
There’s lots to get excited about. We’ve got practical yoga tips, sequences, anatomy, meditations, and some great life hacks to keep you going both on and off the mat.
That includes a special report on 7 Trending Yoga Styles To Try This Summer. Whatever you’re after, you’ll find it in here, from dynamic yoga to something more gentle and relaxing. Maybe it’s time to dip your toes into SUP Yoga, where you can balance on your board on the water and fine tune those leg muscles — it’s literally perfect for the summer months; or perhaps you need to chill with a more restorative practice.
Yoga is one big adventure, there is so much to explore, from new teachers and studios to different styles and settings. You never know until you try it!
We’ve also got a big eco report this month — A Yogi’s Guide To Saving The Planet — where you can explore how to make a positive impact on the natural environment around you. The simple things that we do and the choices that we make every day can have a massive impact over time. Let’s make a difference together.
Inside, you’ll also find lots of other goodies too, from healthy plant-powered recipes and nutritious snacks to cool, new yoga fashion and even a competition to win mindfulness training where you can boost your career in helping others.
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OM Yoga Magazine

May 2021 Welcome, wonderful people! This is our May issue and we want to get you ready for a happy, fun-filled month full of sunshine, warmth and all lovely things. There’s lots to get excited about. We’ve got practical yoga tips, sequences, anatomy, meditations, and some great life hacks to keep you going both on and off the mat. That includes a special report on 7 Trending Yoga Styles To Try This Summer. Whatever you’re after, you’ll find it in here, from dynamic yoga to something more gentle and relaxing. Maybe it’s time to dip your toes into SUP Yoga, where you can balance on your board on the water and fine tune those leg muscles — it’s literally perfect for the summer months; or perhaps you need to chill with a more restorative practice. Yoga is one big adventure, there is so much to explore, from new teachers and studios to different styles and settings. You never know until you try it! We’ve also got a big eco report this month — A Yogi’s Guide To Saving The Planet — where you can explore how to make a positive impact on the natural environment around you. The simple things that we do and the choices that we make every day can have a massive impact over time. Let’s make a difference together. Inside, you’ll also find lots of other goodies too, from healthy plant-powered recipes and nutritious snacks to cool, new yoga fashion and even a competition to win mindfulness training where you can boost your career in helping others.

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Edição digital única May 2021
2,49 / issue
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As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

Issue Cover

OM Yoga Magazine  |  May 2021  

Welcome, wonderful people! This is our
May issue and we want to get you ready for a happy, fun-filled month full of sunshine, warmth and all lovely things.
There’s lots to get excited about. We’ve got practical yoga tips, sequences, anatomy, meditations, and some great life hacks to keep you going both on and off the mat.
That includes a special report on 7 Trending Yoga Styles To Try This Summer. Whatever you’re after, you’ll find it in here, from dynamic yoga to something more gentle and relaxing. Maybe it’s time to dip your toes into SUP Yoga, where you can balance on your board on the water and fine tune those leg muscles — it’s literally perfect for the summer months; or perhaps you need to chill with a more restorative practice.
Yoga is one big adventure, there is so much to explore, from new teachers and studios to different styles and settings. You never know until you try it!
We’ve also got a big eco report this month — A Yogi’s Guide To Saving The Planet — where you can explore how to make a positive impact on the natural environment around you. The simple things that we do and the choices that we make every day can have a massive impact over time. Let’s make a difference together.
Inside, you’ll also find lots of other goodies too, from healthy plant-powered recipes and nutritious snacks to cool, new yoga fashion and even a competition to win mindfulness training where you can boost your career in helping others.
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Designed to inspire and to energise, OM magazine wants to help you enjoy a more active and rewarding life, drawing on the physical and mental disciplines of yoga, an ancient practice just as popular today as it was thousands of years ago.
We take our exercise seriously but this is more than a health and fitness magazine.
At OM, our goal is to both entertain and to enrich, to nurture your soul at a time when the world around you may be pre-occupied with more material concerns. Each issue contains easy to follow yoga sequences plus instructions for achieving individual poses.
A wealth of meditation, nutrition and wellbeing articles to help guide you in your lifestyle choices.

In every issue we aim to nourish body, mind and soul, to galvanise you into action, and to challenge how you feel about the world around you and the people and things in it.
OM magazine is not just about doing yoga – it’s about living yoga

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Com base em 41 Comentários de clientes
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For all yoga fans

Always includes lots of interesting information to make the most of your fitness Revisto 09 abril 2022

OM Yoga Magazine

Very good Revisto 07 dezembro 2020

OM Yoga Magazine

Love the 360 on yoga positions. Revisto 24 setembro 2020

LOVE this magazine! Revisto 23 agosto 2012

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