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OnOffice Magazine Summer 2023 Edição anterior

1 Comentários   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Design)
Only €9,99
In our 163rd issue, we’re highlighting not only innovation, but craftsmanship and longevity – design that lasts – as captured on the cover of Summer 2023 with an archive image from 1964 from the Swiss manufacturer USM, showcasing the Haller system in their then office in Müensingen, Switzerland. We explore at the intersection of science and design discovering products made from different types of post-consumer waste, meet incredible people living environmental lifestyles outside of their projects and champion furniture with circularity built into its very ethos, pieces that truly stand the test of time, all while appreciating the true ‘staying power’ side of sustainability.

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Summer 2023 In our 163rd issue, we’re highlighting not only innovation, but craftsmanship and longevity – design that lasts – as captured on the cover of Summer 2023 with an archive image from 1964 from the Swiss manufacturer USM, showcasing the Haller system in their then office in Müensingen, Switzerland. We explore at the intersection of science and design discovering products made from different types of post-consumer waste, meet incredible people living environmental lifestyles outside of their projects and champion furniture with circularity built into its very ethos, pieces that truly stand the test of time, all while appreciating the true ‘staying power’ side of sustainability.

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Edição digital única Summer 2023
9,99 / issue
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Issue Cover

OnOffice  |  Summer 2023  

In our 163rd issue, we’re highlighting not only innovation, but craftsmanship and longevity – design that lasts – as captured on the cover of Summer 2023 with an archive image from 1964 from the Swiss manufacturer USM, showcasing the Haller system in their then office in Müensingen, Switzerland. We explore at the intersection of science and design discovering products made from different types of post-consumer waste, meet incredible people living environmental lifestyles outside of their projects and champion furniture with circularity built into its very ethos, pieces that truly stand the test of time, all while appreciating the true ‘staying power’ side of sustainability.

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OnOffice is the UK's leading publication for the commercial architecture and design community, featuring cutting edge workplace design, projects from the hospitality, education and civic sectors, interviews with leading industry figures, and the latest news.

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Com base em 1 Comentários de clientes
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UK's leading publication for commercial architecture and design

UK's leading publication for commercial architecture and design lots of great content features and ideas for businesses Revisto 19 junho 2020

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