PC Gamer (UK Edition)  |  May 2016
In this issue we look at two games in particular that are especially positive about modern PC gaming: Stardew Valley and Planet Coaster. The former, a fantasy farming RPG, is a runaway success on PC, making its creator millions. Games like this used to live on Nintendo platforms, but now they belong to us. Planet Coaster, meanwhile, revives the theme park tycoon game in a manner comparable to Cities: Skylines – it’s a PC heritage sub-genre that’s there for the taking. It’s going to be huge.
Preview Inside this months magazine:
Planet Coaster
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Forza Motorsport 6 Apex
Umbrella Corps
Space Hulk: Deathwing
The Surge
Battlefield Gothic: Armada
Call of Cthulhu
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Artigos desta edição
Segue-se uma seleção de artigos em PC Gamer (UK Edition) May 2016.