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Prairies North Magazine Winter 2013 Edição anterior

6 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €6,99
The World in Loving Detail -- A fascination with detail makes this modeller's miniatures of iconic machines and buildings stunning to behold; Winter's Great Slumber -- What's the best time to catch the beauty of winter? Perhaps it's very early in the morning when it is just waking up; 2013 Best of Saskatchewan -- The best things in life are, well, bests! See the list of our readers' picks in this year's poll and plan to indulge; Cold Weather Festivity -- Cold weather is an opportunity for fun, exercise, and social time. Read how some Saskatchewan communities are leaping in; Advocate of the Opera -- Cary Piller has a vision for the restoration of the Melville Opera Hall to its central place in the city's culture, right up there with sports facilities, and not much is going to stop her; Local, Natural Skin Care -- A long search for healthy skin care products led Tammy Bessant to create her own from Saskatchewan ingredients. Now she is educating others on how to make healthy choices for their skin; The Cockshutt Tractor in Saskatchewan -- Bill Cockshutt shares his story of the rise and fall of one of the most important farm manufacturers in Canada's history; The Creative Department -- Making a church into a home; homemade mushroom soup; lavender sugar scrub from your kitchen to your bath!; The Museum of Wheat -- The Town of Hepburn is telling Saskatchewan's story of wheat in its resident elevator turned museum; Photography with Sharie & David -- Some of us consider the common gull all too common to pay too much attention. But with very little effort, this ubiquitous bird can teach profound lessons in human/wildlife co-existence.
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Prairies North Magazine

Winter 2013 The World in Loving Detail -- A fascination with detail makes this modeller's miniatures of iconic machines and buildings stunning to behold; Winter's Great Slumber -- What's the best time to catch the beauty of winter? Perhaps it's very early in the morning when it is just waking up; 2013 Best of Saskatchewan -- The best things in life are, well, bests! See the list of our readers' picks in this year's poll and plan to indulge; Cold Weather Festivity -- Cold weather is an opportunity for fun, exercise, and social time. Read how some Saskatchewan communities are leaping in; Advocate of the Opera -- Cary Piller has a vision for the restoration of the Melville Opera Hall to its central place in the city's culture, right up there with sports facilities, and not much is going to stop her; Local, Natural Skin Care -- A long search for healthy skin care products led Tammy Bessant to create her own from Saskatchewan ingredients. Now she is educating others on how to make healthy choices for their skin; The Cockshutt Tractor in Saskatchewan -- Bill Cockshutt shares his story of the rise and fall of one of the most important farm manufacturers in Canada's history; The Creative Department -- Making a church into a home; homemade mushroom soup; lavender sugar scrub from your kitchen to your bath!; The Museum of Wheat -- The Town of Hepburn is telling Saskatchewan's story of wheat in its resident elevator turned museum; Photography with Sharie & David -- Some of us consider the common gull all too common to pay too much attention. But with very little effort, this ubiquitous bird can teach profound lessons in human/wildlife co-existence.

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Issue Cover

Prairies North Magazine  |  Winter 2013  

The World in Loving Detail -- A fascination with detail makes this modeller's miniatures of iconic machines and buildings stunning to behold; Winter's Great Slumber -- What's the best time to catch the beauty of winter? Perhaps it's very early in the morning when it is just waking up; 2013 Best of Saskatchewan -- The best things in life are, well, bests! See the list of our readers' picks in this year's poll and plan to indulge; Cold Weather Festivity -- Cold weather is an opportunity for fun, exercise, and social time. Read how some Saskatchewan communities are leaping in; Advocate of the Opera -- Cary Piller has a vision for the restoration of the Melville Opera Hall to its central place in the city's culture, right up there with sports facilities, and not much is going to stop her; Local, Natural Skin Care -- A long search for healthy skin care products led Tammy Bessant to create her own from Saskatchewan ingredients. Now she is educating others on how to make healthy choices for their skin; The Cockshutt Tractor in Saskatchewan -- Bill Cockshutt shares his story of the rise and fall of one of the most important farm manufacturers in Canada's history; The Creative Department -- Making a church into a home; homemade mushroom soup; lavender sugar scrub from your kitchen to your bath!; The Museum of Wheat -- The Town of Hepburn is telling Saskatchewan's story of wheat in its resident elevator turned museum; Photography with Sharie & David -- Some of us consider the common gull all too common to pay too much attention. But with very little effort, this ubiquitous bird can teach profound lessons in human/wildlife co-existence.
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Let Saskatchewan's own award-winning geographic magazine introduce you to the region's people and places with stunning photography and engaging stories. Whether you are from here or away, Prairies North will take you on a surprising voyage through the beautiful province that many are proud to call home.
In addition to treating your eyes to beautiful images of the prairie, you will learn about our history, marvel at our abundant wildlife, meet our hospitable people, and gather ideas for your own journey in our safe, friendly, and fun province. Use Prairies North to plan a tour and discover for yourself why this is a region not to be missed.

Each quarterly issue is published with the seasons to take you through a full year of adventure.

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Com base em 6 Comentários de clientes
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Prairies North review

Loved this mag when I was based in Canada and loved exploring the Canadian Prairies. Revisto 26 outubro 2018

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