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Simply Vegan Magazine Mar 2019 Edição anterior

16 Comentários   •  English   •   Food & Drink (Vegetarian & Vegan)
Loved Veganuary? Keep your plant-based journey going with the latest issue of Simply Vegan. From healthy, nourishing dishes to Dirty Vegan’s tasty new recipes, we’ve got all bases covered. Find out how to get others on board with our feature on breaking the vegan taboo, and if you’re ever asked about the sustainability of your food choices, read up on how you can eat more ethically (don’t worry, avocados are still on the menu). This issue we also review the best places to go for afternoon tea and taste test vegan Valentine’s chocolates. Irish twins and best-selling authors The Happy Pear talk about their plant-based journey and Ultimate Performance show you how to up your fitness game.
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Simply Vegan

Mar 2019 Loved Veganuary? Keep your plant-based journey going with the latest issue of Simply Vegan. From healthy, nourishing dishes to Dirty Vegan’s tasty new recipes, we’ve got all bases covered. Find out how to get others on board with our feature on breaking the vegan taboo, and if you’re ever asked about the sustainability of your food choices, read up on how you can eat more ethically (don’t worry, avocados are still on the menu). This issue we also review the best places to go for afternoon tea and taste test vegan Valentine’s chocolates. Irish twins and best-selling authors The Happy Pear talk about their plant-based journey and Ultimate Performance show you how to up your fitness game.

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Com base em 16 Comentários de clientes
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Simply Vegan

So sorry you are closing. I have bought the last issue with sadness and I hope to see the magazine revived in the future. in my opinion, it is the best vegan mag on the market for the non-activist quiet vegan who just wants help with knowing what is out there and a non preachy way of considering issues in a vegan life. Revisto 07 abril 2020

Full of tasty ideas

Never disappoints always full of great articles particularly during the festive season Revisto 16 novembro 2019

Always a good read

Great recipes Revisto 25 julho 2019

Very mouth-watering

Full of great recipes Revisto 24 julho 2019

One of the best

Thoroughly entertaining Revisto 23 julho 2019
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